Chapter Fourteen: Confusion

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Chapter Fourteen 

The next two days were a blur. Sunday, Matty reported what she had seen unbeknownst to her parents since she didn't want them to worry any further about her. Officer Gordon took what she said with seriousness but also reprimanded her for going out past curfew. Nonetheless, he did thank her for her time and for seemingly saving that woman's life. She gave a physical description of the woman so that the police could try and find her and ask her some questions and then gave the small details of the physical appearance of the man she had run into.

It didn't help at all that it was dark but they got a rough draft of it and thanked Matty for her time. Her Sunday was spent trying to get her mind off of things and to be honest, she was never so excited to get back to school the next day. She would much rather be suffering there rather than here. Since she knew she was much safer at school. Her biggest fear was her parents getting hurt but she had hope that everything would be okay.

That evening, she packed her things as she'd be returning to Hogwarts the very next day and when Monday morning rolled around, her parents escorted her to Kings Cross station to say goodbye and wish her happy and safe travels.

Matty didn't think she had ever been so grateful to be on a train in her life. Soon she'd be back in Scotland and away from the mess that had so quickly unfolded in less than three full days. Due to her lack of sleep, while she was at home, she slept the majority of the way, not wanting to wake up until she arrived.

As time passed, sunlight from the sunset peered onto Matty's eyes through the window, causing her to wake up. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and looked out the window, recognizing where she was and that she'd be home soon. Thank Merlin.

The train pulled into the station and when she stepped out onto the platform, she saw Sebastian standing there and waiting for her with a big smile. She walked up to him before dropping her bags and wrapping her arms around him, feeling the same from his as his warming embrace comforted her. But she said nothing, just resting her forehead on his shoulder, breathing in and out steadily. Sebastian could tell something was wrong but didn't know exactly what it was.

Was she upset that she had to come home? That was unlikely; she was always happy to come back to school. He wondered what was wrong until Matty lifted her head to look at him. "I have a lot to tell you."


Instead of going to the cold, dark, and generally all-around uncomfortable Undercroft, the two of them opted to go up to the Room of Requirement which was far more comfortable. And for Matty right now, all she needed was comfort.

The room, which was made to suit the needs of anyone, conjured up two tea cups filled with warm tea for the both of them, sensing that Matty could use it at the moment. She said a quiet "thank you" as if the room could even hear her. Then, sat down with Sebastian and took a big breath.

"Something happened while I was in London." She started. "I had a nightmare one of the nights I was there. It was so vivid, it felt so real. There was an old man, he was murdered in the nightmare and I woke up right after that, realizing that he was a man who had lived in London for years, a shopkeeper I had gone to see just earlier that day."

"I ran out of the house in the middle of the night with my wand—it was a dumb idea, I know. But he was in danger and I needed to stop it." She continued, looking down a bit. "When I arrived at his shop, however, he was already dead. I found him there, lifeless on the floor... there was blood everywhere. Oh, Sebastian, it was terrible." She said, biting back tears.

Sebastian's expression immediately dropped, his mind racing as she spoke to him. Not only had she found a murdered body but she had had a nightmare about it right before it happened. He wasn't even sure if that could be considered a nightmare—more like a terrible vision. "Oh Matty, I'm so sorry." He said, putting a comforting arm around her shoulder. His questions could be asked later, his girlfriend was the biggest concern on his mind right now.

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 || 𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora