Chapter Eleven: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

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Chapter Eleven 

It was the morning of Gryffindor's first game of the season. Last week, Slytherin had triumphed over Ravenclaw and now it was Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's turn to see who would come out on top.

Matty could feel the nerves in her stomach from the moment she had woken up. But she tried her best to not let it show—or at least not let it get the best of her. Most of her displays of confidence came from the fact that she was now the Quidditch Captain, and she didn't want to discourage her team with nerves and so she always tried her best to have a confident countenance.

A couple of days before the game, Matty had made sure the entire team had the proper gear, showed up to practices, and got all their flying hours in. She also made sure she got to know the team's newest member. A third year named Victoria Conners. She was young but she was talented on a broom. A quick thinker and a great chaser. She was the perfect addition to the team.

"How are you feeling about your first game today?" Matty asked her at breakfast that morning.

"A little nervous, I'll admit, but I'm ready to get out there and do my best," Victoria replied. Her facial expressions showed her confidence about today and Matty loved to see it. The young girl had brought so much fun to the team since joining.

"That's the spirit," Matty said with a smile on her face.

She had to admit, all the game preparation had helped distract her from the chaos and all the worry she had regarding other situations which was great because another night of not enough sleep would've probably driven her crazy.

Most of her day was spent prepping for the game and going over drills with her team. She was dedicated to her role as the captain of the Gryffindor team but truly wasn't going to be upset if they lost. All she wanted was for the team to put in as much effort as they could. You thrive off of victory but also learn from losses and that was a lesson she thought was very important to teach, much as Elliot had in his time as the captain.

Seeing Matty take on the role even after being so anxious gave Professor Weasley a big smile as she observed her. The older woman was around and saw more than people thought. And she knew she had made the right decision by making Matty the Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team.


The afternoon hit and it was now time for the game to begin. Students got into their seats at the Quidditch pitch, and the teams did their final warmups before getting suited up for the game. The pre-game nerves were hitting all of them a bit harshly, but they were all also trying to reassure each other that everything would go well.

Matty could hear the loud cheering from above as she put on the rest of her gear. The rest of the Gryffindor team was already up in their designated pitch tower, waiting for the game to start. She slipped on her gloves and strapped them on as the familiar sound of the flap opening came from behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Sebastian walking over to her.

"Sebastian, I wasn't expecting to see you down here." She said, turning to him with a smile on her face.

"I had to come down here and wish you good luck," Sebastian replied, glancing down at her gloves. "I see you actually got your gloves on this time." He teased, referring to Matty's first quidditch game the year prior when he had to help her get her gloves on.

Matty rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, I've had a bit more practice by now." She chuckled.

Sebastian smiled before leaning down and pressing a kiss against her lips. These kisses before games had become their "good luck" kisses—even during their game last year that was against each other. It was a tradition that had weaved its way into their relationship.

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