Chapter 17: SHACKLES

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Life's this and life's that.

But could someone tell me

Why is it so stubborn too.

I don't want anything to do

With him.

But God is he persistent.

I know he loves me.

And I know I love him back.

But what if he leaves me.

While I keep crying

In the back

Oh no,

My heart,

it's beating too fast.

Hyperventilating, cause

I know he is every girl's dream,

Well I know he is perfect,

But he is not for me.

For I can only bring out

The negative,

And he only

Brings something contrary

In me.

But the only thing

I can be

For him

Are the shackles

That hold me back.

He doesn't deserve

to be caged.

Caged by me

Or by my negativity.

Neither does deserve to be

Caged by the fear that lurks

Free within my heart.

Common silly boy!

Don't you get it!

I can be nothing but

The Shackles of fear

That cages you

And tears you apart.

 WHISPERS OF THE SOUL  ||Poetry|| ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora