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By the time the duo had arrived at the dining hall, everyone was already waiting. Not planning on sticking around too long, they opted to stand by the long table the others were sat at.

Kirigiri had successfully reattached her mask, as if it never came off to begin with. She stood leant in one leg, arms crossed and looking off to the side - and beside her, Maizono stood with his hands in his pockets, blazer pushed back behind his wrists while he lightly bounced on his feet to regulate.

It was a usual sight at this point, the two hardly went anywhere alone. Other than Celestia reading into them, most people assumed it was to always have an alibi. Still, it was undeniable that they looked odd without the other now, but something not many people picked up on was how Maizono often found himself on Kirigiri's right, and if anyone ever took up that space on his other side - he made sure to leave a human sized gap.

Naegi saw the sadness in that. He saw who that gap was for, who always stood there with him his entire life. Maizono always made sure to walk by the ghost of his sister.

The PI had been getting a bit better at focusing on other things, but it was clear Sayaka was always in his world view.

Kirigiri looked like she had all she needed beside her, but Maizono didn't. He always seemed like someone else is missing.

Sometimes Naegi would catch him turning to his right in conversation, as if to include someone who's not there. No one seemed to notice it, but the luckster could see the sorrow in his eyes when he did it. He was still adjusting.

But there was no time for those thoughts right now.

"So, this is everyone?" Hagakure asked the room, looking around while pulling his blazer back over his shoulder.

"Okay, let's discuss what we all discovered." Ogami lead, the words sounding weird not coming from Ishimaru.

Asahina chirped up next, nodding.
"Yeah, good idea.."

Naegi looked over to the detective on Maizono's left hand side, hope in his eyes.
"Um.. Kirigiri?"

Kirigiri didn't even turn to look at him, standing as if no one had spoke.

"Hey, Makoto..." Asahina called, seeing the scene before her.
"Does Kirigiri seem upset to you? -She is, isn't she!? She's totally mad!"

Hina was speaking in a strangely positive tone, as if both surprised of the emotional display and simultaneously to annoy Naegi.

"Y-Yeah, it looks like it..." Naegi muttered, a little dejected as he scuffed his red converses across the tiled floor.

There was a pause, Kirigiri glancing to Asahina briefly.

"I bet it's your fault, isn't it? You must've done something to her." Asahina claimed, getting protective. To Maizono's knowledge, she hadn't really spoke to Kirigiri before - but the girl seemed to have a lot of respect for her. Maizono couldn't blame her.

Naegi looked to his shoes, accepting the reaction in his own guilt.

"Anyway! There was a big shelf in the chem lab on the 4th floor, and it had all kinds of chemicals and stuff." Asahina informed, hopping onto one foot and catching her wrist behind her back as her demeanour changed.

"And there was an all-star cast of nutrient additives and supplements! No excuses, Maizono! Training starts tomorrow!" Asahina chimed.

The PI in questioned met her gaze, a little surprised but with a laugh.
"You got it! I'm kinda excited to work out with you both."

Asahina grinned, jumping over to Maizono - the space he always left ever present.
"Us too! Oh, but it's not all good stuff, though... there was medicine and health stuff, but on top of that..
There was also, uhm... a bunch of different poisons."

A part of me, a part of you (Kyoko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now