Rank A for Adaptability

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Waking up to the incessant beeping of his digital watch, Maizono groaned loudly.

"Why so early, Kirigiri!!" He dramatically whined, sighing as he pulled his heavy bones out of bed.

Stumbling over to the wardrobe, he opened it and smiled sadly. His uniform was hung up next to Sayaka's. He took his clothes, not bothering to go to the bathroom to change. He was facing away from the camera anyway, so who cares?

Looking to Sayaka's uniform again, a thought came to mind. He untied the neckerchief gingerly, straightening it out before wrapping and tying it around his upper left arm.

After brushing his teeth dry, trying to make something of his hair and straightening himself out in the mirror - he left the room. He was just wearing his shirt again today, the usual pants and converses - and now with the addition of Sayaka's blue tie around his arm. He didn't usually wear blue.

He walked to the bathhouse, getting inside for just before 6:45am. Unsurprisingly, Kirigiri was already there - sat on one of the wooden benches with her legs crossed over each other.

"Morning, Purps." Maizono chimed, his eyes squinting a little with a headache.

A gloved hand gave a single wave, eying his arm.
"Morning. New attire?"

He shrugged. "It was Sayaka's."

She hummed. "Suits you."

"You sure it doesn't look like I'm in a gang?" He joked.

Kirigiri smiled a little. "No one would think that even if you had 'I'm in a gang' tattooed to your forehead."

"Oh, I'm just that harmless, huh?" He asked, jumping onto the bench opposite her and propping his feet on her bench just next to her.

"Who ever said you're not self aware?" Came the reply. Kirigiri joked a little around him, he couldn't help but feel it an achievement.

"So, whats the gen?" Maizono asked, stretching.

"I assumed you didn't pay attention to Monokuma after the execution?"
The PI shook his head.

"Well, he said something interesting. I had asked him why he makes a show of killing us." Kirigiri started, Maizono nodding along.

"He gave me a vague answer. He said it was 'to kill the world's hope'. I told him he was being dramatic and... Well he claimed he was not."

Maizono thought about this for a moment.
"Do you remember our first day here? When you asked what I had wrote about the camera's?"

Kirigiri nodded.

"That could easily create a live feed for any amount of TV's. Possibly globally."

Kirigiri thought on that, humming to get him to continue.

"I'm not claiming that's what's happening, I'm more saying we should factor that in as a theory also. But you see... this links to something else he said during the trial." Maizono said, intertwining his fingers on both hands and resting them in his lap.
"Monokuma said: 'The police, and government, and society, and the outside world are totally powerless!'" Maizono mimicked the bears voice eerily accurately.

Kirigiri hummed again.
"So you're saying it's possible that it's not just the school closing down, but rather the outside world as a whole entering some sort of end."

The PI shrugged. "Maybe it's farfetched, but to me? If someone is able to strip us of our memories to the extent of not knowing ourselves, what else can they do? For all we know, we came here willingly to seek shelter and they got us to forget that."

A part of me, a part of you (Kyoko x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant