A trial to remember

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One by one, all fifteen of them enter the lift.

Its structure is shaky, an old mining lift design - something Maizono may have thought about had this been any other person's murder trial.

His demeanour went back to straight ice as soon as they left the dorm, making anyone around him instantly uncomfortable.

He had received a few sympathetic smiles, but they'd went unappreciated. He didn't have the capacity to acknowledge them.

The class seemed to be avoiding him, a large bubble of space around him in the shaky elevator. Well, mostly.

There was an exception.

Kirigiri stood right beside him on his left, the space between the two considerably less than usual. If Maizono so much as leant to the side, they'd be touching.

This gave Y/n a strong sense of comfort, despite the anguish inside he desperately tried to detach from. It was like that bubble around them was emanating warmth.

The way Kirigiri currently stood - arms crossed over her chest, leaning on her left leg with her iron mask shaping more into steel - it was as if Maizono had his own bodyguard.

Kirigiri found herself not minding the way it looked.

It wasn't false. She had a strong urge to protect him in his vulnerable state. Whether for better or worse.

This was strange, to her at least.

She didn't usually let as much emotion slip through the gaps. Even if its barely enough to notice. It was less her look and more her aura that was entirely hostile to everyone around. Everyone, but Y/n.

The creaky lift eventually reached its destination, giving way to a court room with stands arranged in a circle.

There were seventeen stands in total.

"Alright everyone! If you could take your assigned positions, we can begin the trial!" Came the bears voice. It was like straight acid.

Kirigiri gave Maizono a sympathetic look, before finally leaving his side to take her position.

Maizono glared at his stand. He didn't move to it, drawing the class' attention. Monokuma's head tilted in his direction.

"Do you think this is funny?" His voice was cold. Callous.

"Puhuhuhu... What ever could you mean?" The bear faked ignorance.

"You put me there on purpose." It wasn't a question.

"Pff. What? Why would I do that?" Monokuma responded, his tone twisting into a curious tone.

Y/n glared at his spot again. Right smack in between Celestia Ludenberg, and Leon Kuwata.

Begrudgingly, he took his place.

Kuwata immediately stiffened at Maizono's glare. Sweat slowly appearing on his brow, but desperately trying to fake ignorance.

The only perk about this space...

Kirigiri gave him a look from directly opposite, bringing him back to the present. He levelled his breathing - matching the rise and fall of the Lilac woman's chest. He closed his eyes tightly.

"Lets begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results!" Monokuma spoke up from his throne.

"If you can figure out 'whodunnit' then they will recieve punishment. But, if you pick the wronnng oneeee....

Then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened. And the one who deceived everyone else will graduate!"

"And the killer really is one of us, right?" Naegi asked, lingering hope in his tone.

A part of me, a part of you (Kyoko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now