Jeff the Killer [Creepypasta]

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Name: Jeffery Woods

Age: 13

Race: Human

Title: The Deformed Serial Killer

Bio: After moving to a new neighbourhood with his parents and brother Liu, Jeffery Woods would discover a buried love of bloodshed after getting into a scuffle with some violent bullies. When his brother was arrested for his actions, Jeff wound up getting into another scuffle with these same bullies at a child's birthday party that ended in the bullies' deaths and Jeff getting covered in alcohol and bleach and burned alive, rendering his skin bleached white and his hair charred black. Driven mad from the experience, Jeff would proceed to cut out his eyelids and carve a permanent smile into his mouth before killing his family and setting out to the streets, becoming an infamous serial killer.

Costume 1: Standard appearance

Costume 2: Hoodie up

Costume 3: Pre-deformation

Costume 4: Brony t-shirt w/jeans

Costume 5: Clown costume

Voice Actor: Xander Mobus

Playstyle: Rushdown character that works best at close range due to having limited range with his basic attacks and no real projectiles. He's quite vicious and can do good combo damage once he does close the distance though. but if he can be kept at a distance, he's quite vulnerable to projectiles.


Standing Light Punch: Stabs forward with his knife

Standing Medium Punch: Slashes diagonally with his knife

Standing Heavy Punch: Holds his knife in both hands and slams it down on the foe's cranium

Standing Light Kick: Stomps his heel into the opponent's knee

Standing Medium Kick: Stomps hard on the foe's toes

Standing Heavy Kick: Knees the opponent in the stomach with enough force to briefly stun them

Air Light Punch: Stabs forward with his knife

Air Medium Punch: Slashes horizontally at where the opponent's stomach would be

Air Heavy Punch: Pulls his arm back to thrust his knife forward with all his might

Air Light Kick: Swings one leg horizontally

Air Medium Kick: Thrusts his foot forward

Air Heavy Kick: Swings one foot across the opponent's face

Crouching Light Punch: Does a backhanded slash with his knife

Crouching Medium Punch: Flips his knife into an ice pick grip and slams it down into the opponent's foot

Crouching Heavy Punch: Stands up and stabs the foe right in the face

Crouching Light Kick: Slams his heel into the opponent's shin

Crouching Medium Kick: Kicks at the foe's foot and grinds his heel into it

Crouching Heavy Kick: Slams his heel into the side of the opponent's knee causing them to fall to the ground

Special Moves:

-Killer Rush: Jeff runs forward towards the foe with his knife held upward. In this state, he will run through projectiles that hit him. If an attack button is pressed in this state, he will stab his knife down onto the foe's head. Projectiles still cause the usual amount of damage they normally would, so this move is to be used wisely.

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