Blitzo [Helluva Boss]

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Name: Blitzo Buckzo [The O is silent, asshole!]

Age: At least 30

Race: Imp

Title: Head of Immediate Murder Professionals

Bio: Born alongside his twin sister to a sleazy circus runner, Blitzo grew up performing in shows, being unpopular with the crowd. When a fit of frustration led to him accidentally burning down the circus, killing his mother and crippling his best friend, Blitzo would go on a downward spiral that would lead to him destroying many of his relationships. Wanting to get away from that life, he would proceed to recruit two other imps that were proficient in weaponry and start a business, the point of which being to travel to the world of the living and kill targets that sinners want revenge on. He would steal an important grimoire in order to do so, ending up striking a deal with its owner, leading him on a complicated path in life.

Costume 1: Standard suit

Costume 2: Clown costume

Costume 3: Brennon Ragers disguise

Costume 4: Phantom of the Opera costume

Costume 5: Cats costume

Voice Actor: Brandon Rogers

Playstyle: Quick hit and run character, with projectiles to keep the foe at bay and an easy way to quickly navigate around the stage via portals. Not that durable and will fall fast if the foe manages to pin him down, though.

Standing Light Punch: Elbows forward

Standing Medium Punch: Does a backhanded pistol whip with his gun

Standing Heavy Punch: Swings one arm in a haymaker that can knock the opponent to the ground

Standing Light Kick: Stomps down on the foe's toes

Standing Medium Kick: Knees the opponent in the gut

Standing Heavy Kick: Pulls his foot back and kicks the foe in the groin

Air Light Punch: Swings one arm outwards in a back fist

Air Medium Punch: Stabs with a knife

Air Heavy Punch: Pulls out a heavy mallet to smash the opponent to the ground

Air Light Kick: Does a roundhouse kick

Air Medium Kick: A crescent kick to the opponent's face

Air Heavy Kick: Stomps both feet forward at the foe's chest

Crouch Light Punch: Swings his elbow into the side of the opponent's knee

Crouching Medium Punch: Jabs forward at the foe's knee with his gun, pulling the trigger on successful impact to fire a bullet into their knee to stagger them

Crouching Heavy Punch: Stabs the opponent in the stomach with a knife in each hand, with a second button press he will twist and rip the knives out in opposite directions

Crouching Light Kick: Slides his foot down at the foe's feet

Crouching Medium Kick: Balances on his hands to kick the opponent in the chest with both feet one after the other

Crouching Heavy Kick: Flips off the ground to deliver a backflip kick to launch the foe

-Special Attacks:

-Dance, Bitch!: Blitzo pulls out his pistol and begins to shoot it repeatedly. Can be continued indefinitely with well timed button presses.

-Grenade Ball: Blitzo tosses a grenade upward and then swings a baseball at it to send it flying at the foe, the grenade flying straight forward and exploding upon impact with either them or the invisible wall.

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