Chapter 6

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As Giyuu turned from bidding farewell to Sabito, a small smile still lingering on his lips, he was startled to find Emperor Sanemi blocking his path. The tension in the air was palpable as Sanemi's annoyed and jealous expression met Giyuu's gaze.

"How long have you known that knight?" Sanemi demanded, his brows furrowed in a mixture of irritation and jealousy, his lips forming a pout that betrayed his emotions.

Giyuu met Sanemi's gaze with a calm expression, though a hint of confusion flickered in his eyes at the sudden intensity of the emperor's tone.
"When we were children... around five or six," Giyuu signed, his hands moving with practiced ease to convey his words.

Sanemi's features softened slightly at Giyuu's response, though the jealousy still simmered beneath the surface. "And how long have you kept in touch with him?" he pressed, his voice tight with suppressed emotion.

Giyuu hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for the right words to convey the truth without inciting further jealousy in Sanemi. "We... we lost touch for many years," he signed, choosing his words carefully. "
But we recently reconnected.."

Sanemi's expression darkened at Giyuu's admission, his jealousy flaring anew at the thought of Giyuu sharing such a deep connection with another man.

"I see" he muttered, his jaw clenched with tension as he struggled to contain his emotions.

Giyuu watched Sanemi carefully, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the pain his words had caused.
"Nemi, I—" he began, his hands moving to sign his apology, but Sanemi cut him off with a sharp gesture.

"It's fine" Sanemi said, though his tone belied his words as he turned to walk away, his shoulders tense with unresolved emotion.

Giyuu watched him go, a knot forming in his stomach as he grappled with the fallout of their conversation. Though he longed to bridge the gap between them, he knew that their journey would be fraught with challenges and obstacles they would need to overcome together. And as he headed back to his room, he vowed to do whatever it took to rebuild the trust and understanding that had been shaken by jealousy and insecurity.

Giyuu and Sanemi strolled side by side, reminiscing about their shared childhood memories, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Obanai, Sanemi's trusted friend and right-hand man. Giyuu observed Obanai with a mixture of concern and curiosity, his brow furrowing slightly as he greeted the newcomer.

"Ah, your highness, we found all of them. They are all waiting in the imperial court" Obanai announced, his tone respectful as he bowed before the emperor and Giyuu.

Giyuu exchanged a glance with Sanemi, his confusion evident in his expression as he tried to piece together the meaning behind Obanai's words. Sanemi, however, wore a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with excitement at the prospect of whatever awaited them in the court.

"Shall we go now, dear? I have a special something to do with you," Sanemi declared, his voice laced with anticipation as he took Giyuu's hand in his own, leading him towards the court with a sense of purpose.

Giyuu followed Sanemi, his curiosity piqued by the emperor's cryptic words. Though he had no idea what awaited them in the court, he trusted Sanemi implicitly, knowing that whatever surprises lay in store, they would face them together as partners in both love and life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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