chapter 4

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The whispers of rumors and white lies began to spread throughout the palace, Giyuu found himself at the center of a storm of malicious gossip. The words cut deeper than any blade, each one a cruel dagger aimed at his heart.

"Hey, did you know that the emperor's consort is a whore?"
One maid whispered to another as Giyuu passed by, his heart sinking at the venomous words.

"I heard our Highness's consort was attempting to elope with the general" Another voice chimed in, the words like poison on Giyuu's ears.

"She's a disgrace!"
A third maid spat, her eyes filled with disdain as she glanced at Giyuu with contempt.

Giyuu's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to process the onslaught of accusations, his mind reeling with the weight of their implications.

But the cruelty didn't end there. As the translator left Giyuu's side, he found himself subjected to verbal harassment from the maids, their words laced with malice and scorn.

"She's nothing but a pretty face with no morals,"
one maid sneered, her voice dripping with disdain as she glared at Giyuu with disdain.

"He's tainting the emperor's entire reputation,"
another maid spat, her eyes filled with disgust as she turned away

But despite the onslaught of abuse, Giyuu remained silent, his eyes downcast as he endured the torment with a quiet dignity that spoke volumes of his strength.

For Giyuu knew that to escalate the situation would only invite further pain and suffering. And so, he bore the weight of their cruelty alone, his spirit battered but unbroken in the face of adversity

Giyuu felt a knot form in his stomach as he listened to the hurtful rumors, his heart heavy with the weight of their accusations. He longed to defend himself, to set the record straight, but he knew that speaking out would only invite further scrutiny and scorn.

And as the rumors spread like wildfire through the palace, Giyuu found himself the target of cruel taunts and jeers from those around him. The maids whispered behind his back, casting accusing glances in his direction, while the eunuchs and guards took advantage of his vulnerability, subjecting him to verbal and sexual harassment when no one else was around.

Giyuu's skin crawled with disgust as the lewd remarks and unwanted advances piled upon him, but he gritted his teeth and endured, knowing that any protest would only invite further abuse.

Alone in his chambers, Giyuu's heart ached with the weight of the lies and cruelty he endured, his spirit battered but unbroken. And as he lay in the darkness, the echoes of the rumors ringing in his ears, he clung to the hope that one day, the truth would prevail, and he would be free from the chains of persecution that bound him.

The weight of the cruel rumors and relentless harassment bore down upon him, Giyuu found himself retreating to the solitude of his chambers, seeking refuge from the pain that gnawed at his soul. Tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked as he collapsed onto his bed, the weight of his burdens too heavy to bear alone.

In the darkness of his room, Giyuu's sobs echoed off the walls, a silent symphony of despair that filled the air with an overwhelming sense of sorrow. His heart felt as though it would shatter into a million pieces, the weight of the world pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Emperor Sanemi stepped into the room, his expression filled with concern as he took in the sight of Giyuu huddled on the bed, his shoulders shaking with each wracking sob.

Sanemi approached Giyuu cautiously, his heart breaking at the sight of his beloved consort in such distress. He knelt beside Giyuu, gently reaching out to wipe away the tears that stained his cheeks.

With a tender touch, Sanemi pulled Giyuu into his arms, holding him close as he whispered soothing words of comfort and reassurance. "Shh, it's okay, Yuu. You're safe now. I'm here for you,"
he murmured, his voice a gentle balm against the turmoil raging within Giyuu's heart.

In the safety of Sanemi's embrace, Giyuu's sobs gradually subsided, his trembling form gradually relaxing as he found solace in the warmth of his husband's arms. Though he could not speak, the silent exchange between them spoke volumes, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never capture.

And as they sat together in the quiet stillness of the room, Giyuu felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that no matter what trials lay ahead, he would always find refuge in the unwavering love and support from his beloved



Words 781

Ya like this is smol but yahhhhh😃

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