Loaded Dice

253 5 7

John Dory: Seven!

Clay, Bruce, Floyd: All right!

Branch: Yes! 

Bruce and Clay: *high five* Partner!

Bruce: 💜🎶Tons of gold for you!🎶💜

Clay: 💚🎶Hey! Tons of gold for me!🎶💚

All: 🟧💜💚❤️💙🎶Hey! Tons of gold for we!🎶💙❤️💚💜🟧

Dickory: HEY!!! One more roll!

Bruce: Um, guys, you're broke! You got nothing to bet with!

Dickory: Oh yeah? I got THIS!

Clay: Pff, a map? 😑

Floyd: A map!

Dickory: A map, for the wonders of the new world.

Floyd: Wow, let's have a look, *quickly reads* guys! 

Branch: One moment, please.

Floyd: Guys, look, El Dorado, the city of gold. This could be our destiny, our fate.

Clay: Floyd, if we'd believed in fate, we wouldn't be playing with loaded dice! 😑

Branch: He has a point.

Floyd: 🥺

Bruce: Not the face...

Floyd: 🥺

Clay: No 😑

Floyd: 😇

Bruce: No 😑

Floyd: *panting like a dog*

John Dory: No! 

Dickory: I said one more roll! My map against your cash!

Floyd: 😁

John Dory: *sigh* Alright, peewee, you're on.

Dickory: Not with those! This time we use my dice.

John Dory: Uh...

Dickory: Got a problem with that?

John Dory: 😅 No. [to Floyd] I am going to kill you. 😡

Floyd: 😅

John Dory: C'mon, baby, Papa needs that crappy map 🙄

John Dory: Show me seven! 🫣

Clay: Seven!

Bruce: All right!

Floyd: *takes the map*

John Dory: Well, nice doing business with you. *dice come from out of his vest*


John Dory: *gestures to Clay, Ivy, Floyd, Bruce, and Branch* You gave me LOADED DICE?! They gave me LOADED DICE! Guard, arrest them! 

Clay: You dare to impugn my honor? He was the one who was cheating! Arrest HIM!!! 

Bruce: He tricked these sailors and took their money!

Branch: Should we stop them? 😑

Floyd: Let's just see how this plays out, THEN we stop them.

John Dory: Oh, now I'M the thief?!

Clay: Yes!

John Dory: Take a look in the mirror, pal! 

Bruce: You better give back that money or we'll. EN GARDE! *hands Clay a sword*

John Dory: "En garde" yourselves, I'll give you the honor of a quick and painless death! *pulls out a tiny sword* Not with that. *pulls out a bigger sword* HA! I prefer to fight fairly! Any last words?

Clay: We will cut you to ribbons, fool!

John Dory: Such mediocrity, let your swords to the talking!

Bruce: We will, they will be loquacious to a fault. 

John Dory: You mincing, fencing twits.

Clay: You fight like our sister!

Ivy: I AM your sister, that's a complement! 

Bruce: Braggart!

John Dory: Heathen!

Troll: Kill him!

John Dory: Not the face, not the face 😰

Clay: Ladies and gentlemen, we've decided it's a draw.

Bruce: Thank you all for coming, you've been great, see you soon.

John Dory: Adios!

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