"Loving You Is My Greatest Sin"

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Back at home that night my mother was sitting on the couch in our living room reading a piece of mail

"Just on time"She said as a smile flickered across her face

"For what"I asked

"We got accepted into Stanford University"She said proudly

"What ?"I said confused and completely throwned off

"I know its not the school of choice we initially wanted but baby Stanford is a really great school"She said

"You sure they accepted me?"I asked

"Am I sure? Take a look for yourself future Dr.Calhoun"She said very pleased

She stood up and gave me the acceptance letter and on it I read "congratulations you're in" what my name on it

"California"I stated

"What about California?"My father asked walking in

"Marissa has been accepted into Stanford"My mother said to him

"Into stanford? Really? Thats great"He said taking the letter from me and reading it

"But I don't want to go to California"I said

"Well Why now"My father asked

"Oh baby its just one school we will wait to see where else we get accepted and than we'll make an final decision"My mother said

"See thats the thing......mom .....I don't want to go to college"I said honestly

They both looked at each other than my mother immediately confidently said "because of that boy!"

"No....Its not about him"I replied

"You know what Marissa thats bullshit!"My father shouted at me aloud

"See I told you we should've sent her to an all girls school"my mother said to my father

"Me and your mother we work too hard for you to just let that garbage ruin your whole life!"My father said to me

"Im not ruining my life and its not about him daddy....I wanna do hair I mean I wanna go to cosmetology school"I said

"You hear that Nigel? Your daughter wants to play beauty shop"My mother said in a passive aggressive tone

"Oh I heard her! Sounds pretty damn unrealistic to me"He said

"But Im good at it and I like it to do it"I said as my eyes started to water

"Girl bye... my mother mothers was a doctor! and you think your about to embarrass this family because of a hobby your good at!"My mother said

"Hell no! You and your sister god I don't know what is wrong with you two me and your mother give you all everything!"My father said

"We spoiled them...."my mother said

My father shaking his head said "You wanna end up like your sister she didn't wanna go to college either now look at her she's worthless! I'll die a deadman before I let you end up like her I mean it !"

"we do not want to hear nothing about this silly hair thing again you understand me !"My mother said to me

"Yes maam"I said as held tears in my eyes

"And I dont want you around that boy no more ! And if I find out yo ass been around him its gonna be hell to pay the captain! "he said

"Can I go upstairs my room now"I asked

"You may!"My mother said

I expected them to act just like this nevertheless it was still frustrating always be invalidated and shut down when Im expressing how I feel nothing I said ever matter to them

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