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Jisung made it back to his dorm after dropping Felix off at his dorm.He went alone because Changbin decided to say over at Chan's.

As he walked,he caught a figure sitting in front of his dorm."Byeol?"He walked closer and saw Byeol sitting with his legs crossed infront of the door.

"Oh Jisung,you're finally here."Byeol stood up and walked over to Jisung who stood there uneasy and uncomfortable."W-what are you doing here?"Jisung asked Byeol.

"I just wanted to see you so we can talk about our next date."Byeol smiled widely and Jisung internally grimaced.

'Next date?'


'He needs to go touch some grass or something.'

"Next d-date?"Byeol nodded enthusiastically."I was thinking we could go fishing or a picnic or maybe even something cliche like an amusement park."Jisung nodded and smiled obviously which was fake.

"I d-don't know if I c-can go...it's just..I have a lot of as-assignments to complete."

"Pleaseeee Jisung I beg you just this once."Byeol begged with puppy dog eyes.Jisung sighed deeply.



Minho sat down at lunch with his new friends Keeho and Keeho's friend Soul.They all chatted like old friends that had known each other for a long time.

They were very funny and very sweet and Minho was lucky to have found them.Especially on his first day.

"So Minho,any crushes?"Soul suddenly asked catching Minho off guard."What?No I just got here."Minho laughed."Okay?But what about in Korea?"Keeho rose an eyebrow.Minho stopped to think.

'I don't really have any crushes apart from Jisun-..,WAIT JISUNG!!?I DONT LIKE HIM LIKE THAT?!"

"Who's Jisung?"Keeho and Soul asked at the same time."Oh shi-,I said that out loud?"Minho covered his mouth embarrassed."Well,Jisung's is my childhood best friend."Minho stated.

"Well..was my childhood best friend."He said sadly and looked down at his food."What do you mean?"Keeho asked noticing the drop in Minho's mood."I don't know,we were fine one day and the next he just started avoiding me and being cold towards me."Minho explained with a sad look on his face.

"Oh my god,do you think that means he likes you?"Sould suddenly said causing Minho to choke on his own spit."Wha..why does everyone think that?"Minho muttered.

"Who else thought that?"Keeho took a sip of his water cup."Some old lady..it's a long story."Minho huffed under his breath."Okay this might be random but can we see your guy's text messages."Soul asked and Minho and Keeho looked at him with a confuzzled expression.

"Wha-fine."Minho gave in and handed the two his phone.

I just got a new hair color🤭

omg lemme see lemme see lemme see lemme see lemme see lemme see lemme see lemme see

dayum ok😭

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PLS MARRY ME AND HAVE UR KIDS OMG UR SO HOT😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

okay bro u gotta chill🗿

Keeho and Soul laughed looking at the messages."He  seems nice."Soul giggled as Keeho scrolled through the messages.

"Oh wait,what's this?"Keeho said and Soul turned to see what Keeho was looking at.

Hey,I know you're probably not gonna answer but I'm sorry.For whatever I did wrong that made you hate me so much.If you tell me what I did wrong I will apologize properly but for now this is all I have.All I ask is for you to please accept this and we can go back to the way we were before.I love you❤️.


Minho checked what the boys were looking at and his smile faded."What happened?"Keeho looked up at Minho and Minho's eyes became glassy.

"I-I don't...He just-"Before Minho could finish Soul put a hand on his and gave him a reassuring smile."It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it yet."

"Did you mean the 'I love you' part?"Keeho asked him."Like...as more than a friend?"

That question sent Minho thinking.Come to think of it,there were certain times that Jisung made Minho's heart beat faster than normal."I don't know...to be honest sometimes I felt like we could be more than friends."

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