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Just as Jisung was about to leave for school,he got a ding from his phone.He opened it to see a message from Felix.

Did you hear the news

What news?🤨

Um..don't worry about it,gotta go
Also stay away from Minho

Jisung smirked at the last message."Pftt,as if I haven't been doing that."He thought out loud as walked out of the house.

Jisung went to school and straight to his locker.When he closed it,he nearly passed out seeing the three guys looking at him with pity in their eyes.

"AHH!What the fuck are you guys doing and why are you looking at me like that."Jisung clutched his heart.

"Are you o-"Jeongin started but was soon interrupted by Felix,"Jeongin,he doesn't know yet."
Seungmin was still just looking at him which kinda freaked him out.

"Okay,is someone gonna tell me what happened?"Jisung said finally realizing that the situation was a little bit more serious than he thought.

The bell rang and Seungmin took the other two boys hands and ran off.Jisung cocked an eyebrow and shrugged.'I'll figure it out if it's important.'


Jisung didn't know what was going on with his friends and he didn't have most of his classes that day with his friends until after lunch so he figured he'd find out there.

He remembered Felix's message.

"Also stay away from Minho."Jisung thought out loud to himself."What did he mean by that?"


Jisung got to his lunch table,"Hey gu-,oh Chan,how're you doing?"Jisung asked plopping his butt into the lunch table and packing a couple books into his backpack.

When he didn't get an answer he looked up confused and saw everyone staring at him with awkward smiles."I'm so done,can someone tell me what's going on,Chan you look slightly constipated are you okay?"

He was now getting confused with his friends behaviors."What no I'm fine,are you?"Chan asked.
"He doesn't know."Felix placed his hand atop Chan's hand and Jeongin and Seungmin looked worried."Oh okay,in that case..."Chan got up and without even finishing his sentence he sped off like a headless chicken.

"Okay,CAN SOMEONE AND I MEAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?!"Jisung snapped.Seungmin muttered an,"i'm sorry,"before  pointing in a direction.

Jisung slowly turned his head and what he saw made his heart drop to his ass.

Minho sat next to a pretty blonde girl smiling as she yapped about god knows what.He looked a little closer and felt he recognized her.

It was the girl who had asked Minho out and got rejected.Minho felt like someone was staring at him because he turned to see Jisung staring at him and the girl with sad eyes.Wait,were they sad?

They stared at each other and it was like time stopped for the both of them.The girl realized that Minho wasn't listening to her and turned to see him staring at something.

She turned to look at what Minho was staring at and saw the two making intense eye contact.She gripped onto the water bottle she was holding hard.The girl turned Minho's face away from Jisung and planted a peck on his lips.

Jisung couldn't take it anymore.He grabbed his bag pack and walked out of the cafeteria as his friends watched him leave with sad eyes full of sympathy and pity.

The bell rang and Minho immediately stood up and started to pack his stuff into his bag."Where are you going?"The girl asked.

"I'm headed to the library,I need to project with Miyeon."Minho answered without looking up at her."Miyeon?A girl?How do I know you won't cheat on me?"The girl asked again with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yuna,stop being delusional."Minho said finally before walking away.


Jisung didn't feel like going to class once the bell rang.He felt like he was going to break down at any moment.He was 100% sure that if anyone saw him  and asked what was wrong,he would have a mental breakdown.

He headed to the rooftop and threw his bag on the floor.He sat down next to it holding his legs close to his chest and buried his head in his knees.

He started to cry and looked up at the sunset since it was already afternoon.

Eventually he got up and went to his next class.He showed up and the teacher stopped talking and looked at him."Well well..look who finally decided to join the rest of the class."Jisung didn't answer and kept his head down.

After a five minute scolding he sat down next to Jeongin who still looked at him condolence."Were you crying?"He asked rubbing Jisung's back.

He had his head down but lifted it again and gave Jeongin a weak smile before throwing his head back onto the table.

A pair of feline like eyes watched with sadness and a hint of jealousy.

Hey Chan_garoo here
Word count:845 words

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