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Jisung lay in bed staring at the ceiling with no emotion present on his face.His phone started to ring and he picked up it up and put it on speaker.

"Jisung,I'm outside with Hyunjin,Seungmin and Jeongin,time to get ready for prommmm."Felix said in a sing-song voice."I don't wanna go."

Jisung replied with a flat tone.The others groaned.

"Gimme that..HAN JISUNG YOU BETTER COME OPEN THE DOOR OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR TOE NAILS"Seungmin took the phone and yelled.

Jisung rolled his eyes and hung up the phone.We glumly walked out of his room and opened the door.There stood the four of them with Felix holding a big duffel bag.They said nothing and walked into the house.

As Hyunjin entered he stopped and looked at Jisung.Jisung just stood there confused."Umm..what are yo-".

Before he could finish,Hyunjin dabbed him up and pulled him for hug and walked away leaving an extremely befuddled Jisung.

He closed the door and saw Seungmin and Jeongin hunting from his fridge."Ahh yes,just take whatever you want from my fridge and make yourself at home."He said sarcastically.

"Okay,time to get ready Sung."Felix opened the duffel bag and started to take its contents out.There was makeup like, brushes,color palettes,lip sticks,lip gloss,blush.There were also clothes that the boys were going to wear to the prom.

"I already said I didn't want to go."Jisung folded his arms."Okay,and?"Felix rolled his eyes."You're going whether you like it or not,you've just been moping all the time and it's unhealthy."Felix said sternly with a hint of concern.

"Please Sung,just please go.If it's too much for you to handle,you can come back home."He pleaded.The other three just watched.

Jisung groaned and muttered."Fine."


The three boys were already ready and were getting Hyunjin was getting his makeup done by Felix.Though,every time Felix tried to apply lip gloss and his face got close to Hyunjin's,Hyunjin would try to kiss him.

"Hyun,you gotta stop that,you'll get your lip gloss smudged."Felix whined for the umpteenth time and Hyunjin would say he would stop but he never really did.

Seungmin who was trying to button his cufflinks would groan and roll his eyes hearing the two and Jeongin who was fixing his hair would secretly chuckle to himself.

The bathroom door opened revealing Jisung who was ready,or at least claimed so."How do I look?"He spun around.The others just looked at him with disbelief.

"Sung....now would you like to tell me why you decided you are going with a dark blue hoodie and sanrio pajama pants?"Felix rubbed his nose bridge.

"Aye,you're forcing me to go,the least you could do is let me pick what I wanna wear."Jisung rolled his eyes for the nth time that day and stuffed his hands in his pocket.

"I have a better idea."Hyunjin walked over the duffel bag and picked it up,handing it to Jisung."I think you would like it."He smiled at Jisung.

Jisung took the bag and walked into the bathroom to change.Since the others were done,they sat waiting expectantly for Jisung.When he came back,everyone's eyes widened in amazement.

The outfit wasn't usually something someone would wear to prom.It was a white t-shirt and black cargo pants with a dark blue hoodie that he had only zipped to he chest area which looked better than the original one he was wearing.

"There,now you're comfortable."Jeongin smiled.Jisung didn't want to admit,but even he liked the outfit.

"Cool now that everyone is ready,i'm gonna call Chan and tell him we're ready for the limo."Jeongin whipped out his phone to call the older.He felt all eyes on him and looked up from his phone to see Hyunjin,Jisung and Felix looking at him in disbelief.

"Why are you guys looking at me?"Jeongin cocked an eyebrow."WE'RE TAKING A LIMOUSINE?!"The three except Seungmin yelled synchronously.

"Yea,you guys didn't hear about it?"

"Of course they didn't Jeongin,BECAUSE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET YOU FOOL!"Seungmin bonked Jeongin on the head who just rubbed the spot and gave a sheepish smile.

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