Well Well Well

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Beth had later found Gwen sat up on a bench near the RV as she sharpened old, rusted knives they'd scavenged back on the highway at Rick's request.

"Boo." She says in the smallest voice possible, right next to Gwen's ears, which makes the girl's body (and heart) jump as she spins in her seat and the blond sits down beside her.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me. You really wanna be startling a girl holding very sharp knives." Gwen joking holds one of them up, which she feels has somehow gotten duller since she started on it.

Beth seems to see too as she tilts her head to the side and smiles, unimpressed, "Oh, I'm terrified, someone save me from the knife-wielding City Girl." They smile at each other before Gwen rolls her eyes dramatically.

"Have you disturbed me just to insult me? Cause I'm sensing a pattern in this new friendship."

"Hey, I didn't come just to insult you. Though, it was the main reason. It's well time, City Girl."

"Ah, yes how could I have forgotten, the thrill of it all was too much for me. Teach me your ways, farmer's daughter."

They go to stand and Gwen realises she towers over Beth just a little as she looks down at the girl, "Well, it won't happen over night. This," she indicates to herself, "took years."

Gwen laughs as they begin walking, "So, even with the threat of spontaneous death by zombies hanging over our heads, if we're gonna be friends, I gotta know some things."

"Alright, go on then. Ask away." Beth scrunches up her nose as she smiles.

"What's your favourite colour?" To which Beth scrunches her face again slightly as she smiles, confused.

"Starting with the most important facts, got it. Uhhh...I'd have to say Orange."


"I just feel like maybe it's not everyone's favourite. And I love clementines." They laugh softly at that.

"What about you? What's your favourite colour?"

Gwen's has to think for a moment, "Uhhh, guess I picked a bad question, I don't think I really have one."

"No favourite colour? How else are you supposed to gain my trust?"

"Will you take favourite animal?"

Beth's pauses and pretends to consider for a moment, "Okay, I can allow that."

"I'd have to say...dogs, probably. I know, I know! Basic, but they're just perfect. Silly, but, god, I'd love to go back and see my little lab one more time."

"Where'd you grow up?" Beth asks, she and Gwen bump shoulders as they walk, "The farms all I've ever know."

"Lots of different places really. My mum worked in healthcare with this company so we were always moving about but we'd been living in South Carolina for the last couple years before all this shit."

"You close with your family?"

"I mean I love them. Loved them.. but um, no, not really, I mean my sisters yeah, they're my life line. Never knew my dad, stepdad wasn't exactly what I would call fatherly. And my mother, well.. I think we were too similar to ever decode each other, really." she smiles at Beth as she says it though, it doesn't make her sad, its just how it is.

"What about you and your family?" she turns to the blond, who smiles, thinking about her own family.

"My Daddy's a saint, really, raising us so good the way he did. My mom and my brother, well ever since they.... its been hard but with Daddy and Maggie, Jimmy, Patricia and.... Otis." Her eyes gloss over slightly and Gwen awkwardly places a hand on the girls arm, in hopes to comfort her, "But we're lucky, all the way out here until they figure this whole thing out." Gwen didn't think the finding the solution to the dead walking again would be as simple as Beth put it but what did she know. Really, what did any of them?

Beth scrunches her brow and Gwen can see there's something plaguing the girl mind. Her eyebrow lowered in thought, her hands, twisting and fidgeting, her lip, tucked gently in between her top teeth.

"Here we are, well number one." Beth announces as both girls make their way towards the semi-dodgy looking hole in the ground.

"Well, well, well. Here we are indeed." Went laughs at her own joke as Beth throws her head back and mumbles something that sounds awfully similar to 'idiot'.

After the girls (Beth) had checked the water and rope, they slowly start walking again towards well two.

They don't get very far before Gwen screams and jumps behind Beth, who laughs the second she sees the tiny snake slithering away that cause Gwen's outburst.

"HA! City girl, don't tell me you're afraid of a little old 'naky?" Beth teases as she pulls the girl in a little as she milks her country accent and laughs once more.

Gwen's hand is still covering her mouth in shock as she latches onto the girls arm before she laughs, embarrassed, "Stop! I was just tacken aback, okay? You're such a dick, dude." They're laughing together now as they walk on side by side, Gwen eyeing the ground where walk and stepping with extra caution now.

Beth's still giggling and mocking Gwen as they reach the neat well, both girl two distracted to hear the commotion rattling on down in that dodgy hole in the ground.

They laugh and cling onto each other as they approach and lean over the well before it's Beth's turn to scream and pull Gwen back as they are greeted with a deformed, degrading,
bloating pile of a once human being.

"Oh, my god! What was that? Was...was that.." Tears begin to pool in Beth's eyes as she steps further and further away from the well and the monster inhabiting it.

"Oh, shit, dude."Gwen wrinkles her nose up in disgust not yet realising how rattled Beth is, "Ew, that's ones been down there for a while for sure. Jesus, that's gross."

She steps back inline with Beth, whose laboured breath has calmed down now as she breaths in deep and rests her hands on her knees, "oh, my FUCK!"


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