Chapter 10: The kit-napper

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It was a sunny day in Povvo Street. Dumpster fires were crackling, people were panicking. For an ordinary citizen like you, this would probably be a grade-A excuse to get out of here. Except you're accustomed to the chaos and disorder of the smilies now. As you woke up inside Kingrin's abode, donned your jacket and sneakers, and walked outside, you smiled. It's been a wacky week of events you're glad to reminisce on. 

Grabbing a hot bowl of unidentified slop at the communal kitchen, you sat down on a cardboard box and began to chow down. "Tastes like chicken." You think.

"Okie dokie everyone. As usual,  in 10 minutes, we'll be doin' roll call. Please make yer way t' the big ol' makeshift stage and grab yeself a seat." Kingrin's booming voice rose over the crowd through a microphone. You finished the last of your meal and grabbed a seat facing the stage.

"Alright, let's begin then. Abby?"






Your name was eventually called, and everybody started to shuffle to their posts.

"Hold your horses, familey. We're missing Thomas. Anybody know where he might be?"

No one said a word, those who did muttered a quick "No clue" or "I don't know." Kingrin sighed and hopped off the stage. As the smilies returned to their daily tasks, a blood-curdling scream that was suddenly cut off could be heard. Every individual turned their eyes to that direction. A smiley was being dragged away!

"Thomas!" Kingrin sprinted after the unknown force yanking him away. You grabbed a nearby pipe wrench and pursuited after him. When the two of you rounded the large picket fence, a truck decorated with cat stickers drove away. Thomas lied in the back, wriggling in the rope that bound him.

"When I get my hands on those plurral scum..." Kingrin proceeded to mention every combination of english word to very, very kill someone. You felt your breakfast forcing itself up your gut, but swallowed it down and followed the tire marks.

They led to a brightly lit building with neon lights and feline graffiti. Loud and obnoxious dubstep echoed through the streets. The pavement was littered with bags of... catnip?

"Kingrin, what is this place?"

"Only the vilest establishment in Bloxburg. The PLURRALITY. Tis where the plurral have their lil parties and dances. If it wasn't illegal, I'd burn it all down."

The two of you approached the entrance. A duo of catgirls armed with hunting rifles guarded the way in. "Alright you two furbags. Lemme and my uh... boyfriend inside. We gotta uh... unwind after a long day, I mean night of working the night shift. Yeah."

"Um..... youw'we not a pwuwwal..."

You looked at Kingrin, who then looked at you. He shrugged.

A few minutes later, you were wearing the scalp of the two catgirls on your head, and disposing of the bodies in a nearby trashcan.

"This is so disgusting this is the worst day of my life."

"It could be worse pal, plus you do look cute."

You blushed and entered the building. People were dancing and getting high off catnip. For a split second, you had the thought of joining them. You suppressed that idea as you made your way silently through the crowd. Some catgirls stared at you in confusion.

"Uh... nya and all that."

They went back to what they were doing. 

Kingrin bashed open an employee only door, and you two wandered the halls of the rave club. Maintenance equipment and pipes lined the walls of the hallways. 

"This place is a maze, how will we know where we're going?"

"That boy's gotta be somewhere 'round these fuckin' twists an' turns."

A loud female voice commanded you to raise your hands and freeze. You turned around to see yet another catgirl with a gun.

"Dwon't mowove! I mwean it! I has a shooty!"

Before you could blink, Kingrin grabbed your pipe wrench and flung it at the catgirl. Her head exploded into fine red mist. You decided to retrieve the gun for self defense. Over the loudspeaker system, a bit-crushed voice began to play.

"Attention! Thewe awe two intwuders in the buwuilding! Do not be fooled by them! They awe impostews! One of the pewpetwatows is weally musulaw and stwong! The othew is skinny!"

You and Kingrin ran through the corridors, while an army of rabid catgirls galloped behind. He slammed a door behind him, and barricaded it with some boxes.

"What d'ye reckon we do now?"

"Let's keep running."

You quickly advanced through the hallways until you came to a doorway. Above it said "Floofy's operating chamber :3".

Once again, Kingrin kicked the door open. Thomas was strapped on an operation table, with a catgirl ready to operate on him.

"Well aren't you two kitties being rude, barging in on me while I'm... wait. You two aren't plurralized!"

"Enough talk lady. Whatever you're gonna do to my smiley, I ain't lettin' it happen." Kingrin ripped off the catgirl scalp and tossed it behind him. You also discarded it and gingerly aimed your gun at her.

"Ok, ok, let's put that gun down."

"Release Thomas."

She pressed a button and quickly put on a gas mask. The room instantly filled with sleeping gas. The three of you immediately got knocked out.

After a while of being unconscious, you awoke to your limbs strapped to an operation table as well. To your left and right were Kingrin and Thomas.

"How silly of you two to believe I'd comply so easily! Now you'll be my little catgirls as well."

She put on a mask and sharpened a scalpel.

You desperately rattled the cuffs that bound you to the table. Strangely enough, instead of being mean, Floofy put her hand on you and reassured you everything's gonna be ok. 

"It'll be a painless procedure! First I merely need to give you a lobotomy, then you can decide if you want estrogen or not!"

Your eyes darted around the room for anything that could possibly get you out of this mess. The chemicals on the tray next to you, the surgical equipment, the smilies in the window- 

"Wait, smilies in the window?" You thought to yourself. The figures quickly shattered the glass and leaped down into the room.

"Hands up, you flea-ridden furry! Don't worry Big K, we got you!"

A few smilies kept their guns pointed at Floofy, while the others worked on getting you and everyone else out of the restraints.

You all fled the PLURRALITY and ran back to Povvo Street. It seemed the catgirls got tired chasing after you, and collapsed after a few steps. 

After everyone got settled, Kingrin made his way towards you.

"Fun day today, eh? Go get yerself not so shaken up. I'm grabbin a beer."

You sat next to the campfire, still shivering from the thought of brain matter being removed from you. Maybe no more adventures for a while...

Masked Romance (A Blox Cards Kingrin X reader fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang