Chapter 1: The loot of laughter

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"Damn it! I'm gonna be late again!" You scramble to turn on the ignition of your car, thinking about the terrible consequences of arriving 5 minutes off schedule. Your manager specifically said to come on time, but you thought it wouldn't hurt anyone if you slept a little late. As the engine sputtered to life, you begin to think about the big excavation planned for tomorrow. "We've dug up temples, ancient burial grounds, even an old dwarven sentry... what's next?" You ponder as you drive to the Bloxburg Greenbelt for today's work cut out for you.

Upon parking in the reserved space, you take a gander around, the vibrant trees, the wonderful song of birds. As you take in all the sights, a woman's voice interrupts your train of thought. "Y/N! WHAT ARE YE DOIN LOLLYGAGGIN OVER THERE?! GIT YER RUMP T' WHERE I'M STANDIN OR SO TELAMON HELP ME M'SELF!" It is Caitlin Nixon, the project manager. For some reason she seems more irritable today, so you dash to her immediately, expecting orders. "Yes manager?" You inquire. "Y'know 'bout the big diggin' we got fer us t'morrow, I reckon?" You nod your head, yet you are still unsure of what to do. "Well, I need ye t' run over an' git me sum spare brushes an' shovels, gover'min fundin' can't be expected ta carry all us supply costs." She hands you a clipboard with all the items needed for tomorrow, her mechanical arms whirring as she marks down various locations to acquire them. "Meet me here 'fore sundown and we'll be kickin'!" She yells behind you as your car carries you to various appliance stores.

It's nearing 4 o'clock, and as you store the last of the brushes in the hood of your car, your eyes catch a glimpse of a shadow running past you. By the time you whip your head around to check what it was, the mysterious figure has vanished, but where he used to be, a vial of glowing green liquid lays. "Huh, whats that?" You think to yourself as you leave the car and check the unknown fluid. You pull off the cork and take a whiff, instantly noticing the sour, almost rotten smell. "Bleugh!" You recoil your head back and stuff the cork back on. Suddenly, a man's voice startles you. "Ey punk! Gimme that back, thief!" You frantically look around until you see a hooded figure with a kitchen knife. He wears a mask with a freakishly large smile on it, and there's traces of dried blood on his attire. Before he could say another thing, you instinctly reach into your bag and unload a canister of millitary-grade pepper spray on him. 

The man coughs, and you realize the mask blocked all of the spray from actually affecting him. Although it left a large red stain. "Why I oughta..." Without finishing his sentence, you hear metal cutting air as you instinctively dodge. You run to the car, turn on ignition, and slam the pedal as hard as you could, leaving the smiley man in the dust. The green vial clatters in your bag, threatening to shatter its putrid contents. After anxiously looking around after you get out of the car, you drop off the supplies and head home.

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