Chapter 8: Thecounter

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Bloxburg was a very sleepy town, where crime was as abundant as a diamond in the rough. Ever since the necrosyndicate surfaced, it spread like the plague. All the crime statistics and famous serial killers rang through your head as you made the everyday walk home. Every rustle gave you chills, even cars driving by made you flinch. 

You finally trudged your way home, fumbled the keys a little, and entered your humble abode. It was an inherited home from your father after he passed. There was a conjoined kitchen and living room, with the bedroom and bathroom. Most surfaces were empty, save a couple interesting finds from your ARKHIVE expeditions. There was Alar pottery, a slightly beaten up redcliff helmet, and even elaborate cloth from acolytes garments. 

After tucking into your pajamas and getting into bed, you stared at the ceiling absent-mindedly. The date with Kingrin went pretty well, and you were starting to think he was perhaps more than a brute with a hammer.

*scratch scratch*

"W-who's there...?" You pretend to sleep, but look cautiously at the window. A sillouhette stood there. They had a large sunhat, with no other identifiable features.

The figure slowly drew out a sickle, and in the moonlight, you could see a substance dripping from it. He inserted it between your shutters and with one fell swoop, cut it in half. 

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD-" You panicked to get out of your bed, but it was too late. They were crawling inside your bedroom.

"You can't run from me, but I'd like to see you try."

"Who a-are you?!"

"I usually don't give my name to godless sodomites like you, but something tells me you're different. My name, is Thec Hiller, and I am here to eliminate scum like you from this earth."

"B-but why? What did I ever do to you?"

"Quite simple"

"I. Hate. Different. People."

It was nigh impossible to make heads or tails of this guy's logic. To kill because of diversity? Maybe he's demented, no, he's DEFINITELY demented.

"You don't make any sense to me. Diversity is what makes this world unique!"

"And why do you and your kind get special fucking treatment because you like a different gender?"

You bolted out the door. It was utterly useless to argue logic with that guy. He started after you. You prayed your stuff wasn't damaged, and surprisingly, he didn't tip over any valuable artifacts, thank god. Slamming the door into his face, you made a break for it to Povvo Street. 


Maybe that was a bad idea, but it put some distance between him and you. Left, right, straight, make a bend here, some more turns, and...

You were lost.

Looking around you, it seemed like a labyrinth of bricks and concrete. Nothing seemed familiar. Ducking into an alleyway, you grabbed a bottle and waited for Thec to show his face. It didn't take long before his footsteps echoed through the forlorn streets.

"I'll strike you a deal. Die, or I'll kill you, heh."

It took every ounce of strength you had to not burst out and run straight at his stupid face. After what felt like forever, you saw the tip of his sunhat peek from behind the corner.


Shards flew everywhere, but not on his head. He sliced the bottle in half with terrifying precision. 

"Shucks, if I aimed a bit more left maybe I'd gotten your hand."

It genuinely terrified you how nonchalant he was about gore and maiming someone. You ran again, heart pounding in your ears, as Thec slowly approached you.


His taunting words only drove you to escape this madman even more. Your life depended on it. Right, left, cut between the buildings, right, then straight. Maybe you could try losing him, but it was evident that trick wasn't gonna work. Thec was hell-bend on turning you into nothing more than some meat lying on the ground. After some more exhausted running, you saw it: the manhole. Around's gotta be Povvo Street. All you had to do was burst in screaming, and wake the smilies up. Surely they would recognize Thec as the danger and not you...

You circled around the block to try and find an entrance, but it seemed the smilies closed up shop for the night. As you desperately banged on the sheet metal gate trying to get someone's attention, Thec approached with his menacing scythe.

"You wanna know what slushberry juice does to the human body?"

'P-please no..."

"Why don't you have a FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE?"

He lunged at you with malicious intent. You rolled away just in time to see the sickle melt the gate. A loud hissing sound could be heard as the metal corroded away into nothingness.

"Yea, I don't think I want a firsthand experience anymore."

"Sorry chump, but the ticket's been paid, now get on the damn ride."

He swung it at you more and more, and as you scrambled to get away from the rancid smell, you noticed a pile of junk behind you. Specifically, a length of rebar. You "unsheathed" it from the rubbish and clumsily swung it as Thec. He seemed surprised at your actions.


"Don't play heroics with me, boy. We both know you can't defend yourself for your life."

"I'd like to try you... sunscreen eater."

His eye twitched, before bringing down the scythe with all his might. You magically parried it, and he was stunned for a few seconds. Now's your chance to strike.

You slammed the rebar as hard as you could on his right hand. He yelped in pain and jumped back.


"You sure ain't acting like one."

"W-why when I get my hands on you... I'll make you wish you were never born you fucking f-"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, he flopped to the ground unconscious. Behind him stood kingrin with his sledgehammer. He looked very tired, and very enraged.

"Y/n, I'll have ye know right 'bout now it's fucking THREE in the wee mornin, but i'll forgive ye cuz this twat o'er here wannabe killin' ya."

"T-thank you?"

He picked up his ragdolled body. A look of shock came over his face.

"Something wrong?"

"I'd recognize this bastard anywhere. This bitch killed albert."


"I'll dispose of him in the morning, you wanna stay y/n?"

You nodded, because you were too tired to walk back home. Kingrin pulled out a mattress and a patchwork blanket. "Goodnight, y/n."

"Goodnight, Harrison, and uh... I love you."

"You too mate."

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