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Alex pov

The next morning i woke with excruciating pain all over my body. I forced myself up wincing at every move and walked towards my cupboard.

I looked through my cupboard for the painkillers, but all that was left were the empty bottles. I just threwed it alongthe bedroom wall , cursing myself for not buying it yesterday night.

I raised my t shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. Disgusted at the reflection. The bruising around my stomach has gotten worse, I could feel my broken ribs and all the scars of my body making me gag at myself.

Sudden knock on my door and Ethan was calling me for breakfast. For every single step I took I was biting my lips not to scream because of the pain.

I dragged myself to the kitchen and sat beside Ethan opposite of Leo.
I could see that Leo was disappointed and it hurts him when I avoid him.

But I just couldn't accept the truth and I know that I couldn't blame them and I am selfish. But I Just couldn't digest the fact that all these years I had a real family who was living in this luxury, while I was being beaten black and blue.

I didn't have any appetite and just moved the food along my plate.

Gabriel cleared his throat taking my attention.

" Alex..we were waiting for you to settle down in our house..so we didn't say anything, but I would like to discuss some rules with you....will you co operate.." Gabriel said.

"Yes....." I mumbled I couldn't even hear half of what Gabriel said , as my brain is fogged from the pain.

"First off all...
Don't go anywhere without informing us.
No drinking or drugs...
And your curfew will be 9:30 pm...
Do you follow..." Gabriel asked me.

" Yes.." was all I could say , as all I could think was to just go to my room and lay down. And if possible to smoke a little. Which I know isn't gonna happen as long as my brothers are in the house.

" Alex , i have school today and Damien gonna go to college and Leo too have class  Gabriel gonna go to the company, are you fine being alone.. do you wanna go with Gabi to the company if you don't wanna be alone ..." Ethan asked me.

" No....I don't wanna go anywhere...I just wanna lay down " I said

"Are you ok.." ethan asked me concerned.

"No..no..I am fine..I am just tried..'"
I mumbled forcing myself to smile.

After sometime I excused myself and went to my room. Laying in my bed waiting for them to leave.

After making sure that everyone left , I took out my cigarettes and laid on the sofa nearby the window. I lit myself one and took a big puff after a long time.

I could feel my nerves relaxing and the  sense calmness taking over me.
All the pain felt was melting away and I just wanted to lay down like this forever.

I was just to immersed in smoking that I didn't notice the door opening and someone entering my room.

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