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Alexander's pov

I woke up from the excruciating pain from my stomach . I limped across the hall to my room to inspect the wounds. As I looked at myself at he mirror I could feel the bile rising up from the sight of my disgusting body a black bruise has developed across my stomach and I could see the sickening marks left by Roy on my neck.
Tears streaming through my cheeks I cleaned my wounds I put some foundation on the bruises on my neck and hurried outside to the cafe where I work. "Hey Alex" Gael waved at me across the counter . Gael has been only friend I can say, he owns this cafe and let me work and feed me most of the time. Breakfast is ready baby he chuckled as he could see me cringing at the nick name. He gave me a pile of pancakes and bacon and walked to the kitchen to start the chores.The door ringed and the customers start coming in. I rushed my breakfast and went inside to help Gale. The pain killers I took in the morning eased up the pain. After my shift walked to my home anticipating my race at night.
The day went on Lan was drunk and unconscious so it saved me some beating. As the sky turned dark I sneaked out through my window and walked along the forest past as long as I could hear the rumble and the cheers. I put on hood and walked to Gale well he is a good mechanic. So how is my baby today Gale I asked him eyeing my car at a distance. I did some touchups Gale smirked.Hop on and see for yourself.
I walked towards my baby girl a black audi r8 which won in a race before. I opened the door and got in . I could feel the adrenaline rush in as I hold the steering wheel. I drove her towards the white start line and eased up at her rumbles. The flag went down and I raced her forward the feeling of calmness. I could feel the adrenaline and happiness as I move past the other cars and reach the finishing line. I jumped and I could see gale waiting for me he ruffled my hair and said well done my baby, well he ain't gonna stop calling me that.
I am here for my money I said at the counter. " well.. well..well if it isn't our little Alex" George put a hand across my shoulder I bited down my lips from screaming in pain. Just give me the money George I pushed him away and glared at him. Take it he hand me over the money.
I have been saving up so I could move out of that hell hole when I turn 18 it's a long way but who cares.

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