"So all of them talked with you?" Heeseung asked.

"Yes " Sunghoon nodded.

"About what?" Heeseung asked.

And Sunghoon explained all the conversation between them. Sunghoon doesn't really want to be friends with them and nor does he want to join their group. He is scared, of getting bullied again. And when he talked all of it to Heeseung, he felt nervous.... nervous that Heeseung would go to them and threaten them, nervous that Heeseung would tell him not to talk with them. Although he doesn't want to, but a little part of his brain, a little part that hid long ago in his head, wanted to get some friends, not many but at least one. He wants to enjoy his high school life too, like any other student. He wants to enjoy the warmth of friendship, their laugh too. Even if he is scared of losing again, it is his heart which can't resist.

"Do you think you can trust them?" Heeseung asked coldly.

"I don't know." He looked down. Not wanting to make any eye contact with Heeseung.

"But if you think they are good, they will not cause any harm....then you should accept it right?"

And Sunghoon looked into Heeseung's eyes.

"I should?" He asked, bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, if you are okay with it." Heeseung replied.

"Okay then" Sunghoon clapped his hands. As a small smile plastered on his face.

"It's past 8, now let's go and cook." He said because he is happy that his study time ended not wasting any time.

"Little...." Heeseung greeted his teeth while Sunghoon just got up, laughing.


Sunghoon smiled a little when he saw the group chat.

8 mfs and 1 gd boy

Channy~ my tutor is sooo cute...I might kiss him someday.🥰

Sinbi~ out of control.........💀

Maki~ @Channy go and kiss him or if not then I might kill him or kill u. I'm fckin tired of this

Doyoung ~ right!!!

Channy~ I'll say whatever I want. 🥹

Suhyeon ~ ur way too mature to send that emoji.

Dohi~ Someone save Minji, her mom is shouting at her. I can hear it from my bathroom. Lol

Sinbi~ swear she will die..😘

Suhyeon ~ I wish that.

Doyoung ~ @Han will you stop mszing me?? Come to the grp chat.

Channy~ what happened to him?

Han~ hello guys...where is Sunghoon? Why is not here?

Dohi~ oh my god, we were really disrespectful... Sunghoonah...sorry.😓

The Whisper From Seoul To Meoul Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora