Chapter 7

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Author pov

The drive was quiet; Adinya was on her phone all the time, sending messages or calling someone.

She was riding with Gourang in his car; she had left her bike behind and told her men to grab it.

As they approached their destination, Adinya finally put her phone away and looked out the window, taking in the scenery. Gourang couldn't help but notice how focused and determined she seemed. He wondered what she was thinking about.

 Adinya's silence made him curious about her motives and intentions. Their eyes met. "What now? Staring at me is not cool, doc." Adinya teased. "What? who? Me? I'm not staring." Gourang replied. Adinya chuckled, shaking her head. "Sure, sure. Just keep your eyes on the road, doc."

 Gourang smiled, returning his focus to the road ahead as they continued their journey.

It was almost evening, and a beautiful sunset painted the sky in shades of pink and orange, casting a warm glow over the landscape. 

The sky was ablaze with a breathtaking sunset, painting the horizon in a symphony of pink and orange hues that cast a warm, ethereal glow over the landscape. 

Yet, Gourang's gaze was not solely fixed on the awe-inspiring canvas above, for his attention was captivated by the sleeping form of Adinya beside him.

As he drove, Gourang found himself repeatedly stealing glances at her, mesmerized by her presence and the way the fading sunlight danced across her delicate features. Despite his best efforts to remain focused on the road, his mind was consumed by thoughts of Adinya and the undeniable connection he felt with her. 

But then he came to the sense that the person laying beside him was his enemy, and he could trust her.

When they reached his home, he woke her up, and then they both entered the house in silence, the tension between them palpable. Gourang couldn't look Adinya in the eye. When his mother saw him, she hugged him tightly, her eyes filled with tears of relief. She had been worried sick about him since he left .

But her expression changes as she sees Adinya. " What are you doing here?" Deepa said it angryly. 

"I will explain everything to you, but it's not safe to be here; they can come here anytime now," Adinya explained.

 "Who can come?" Gourang asked. Adinya hesitated before replying, "The people who are after me and you , they are dangerous." Gourang's mother looked worried as she listened to their conversation.

 "I know you are dangerous and mafia and something like that, but why are they after me? What have I done??" Gourang askes.

 Adinya sighed. "It's not about what you've done; it's about who you are ." Gourang's mother's eyes widened in realization as she understood what Adinya was talking about.

 "Your past has caught up with us, Gourang. We need to leave before it's too late," Adinya said, her voice filled with urgency. 

Gourang's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation and the danger they were in. "But I don't know anything about my past, like I don't remember it ." Gourang stated. 

" I know, Anmay; I was a part of your past," Adinya replied, tears forming in her eyes. 

"We need to go now, before they find us," Adinya urged as she wiped away her tears.

 Gourang/Anmay is confused; he doesn't remember anything. He looks at her mom as she nods and says, "Yes, bacha, she is right. It was all to keep you safe."

Confusion lingered in Gourang's eyes as he tried to make sense of the situation. "I'll explain everything later, but for now, we need to leave," his mother said firmly, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the door.

But before they could escape, the door burst open, revealing a group of armed men searching for them. Adinya's heart raced as she realized they were running out of time to escape

 "We have to find another way out," she whispered urgently to Gourang, her voice filled with fear. Gourang nodded, his heart pounding with adrenaline as they searched for an alternate exit.

 The sound of footsteps drawing closer spurred them on, knowing that their lives depended on finding a way out quickly. As they frantically searched, Adinya spotted a small window high up on the wall. "We can climb out through there," she suggested to Gourang, who nodded in agreement. 

With a renewed sense of determination, they made their way towards the window, hoping it would lead them to safety before it was too late. As they reached the window, Gourang boosted Adinya up so she could squeeze through. 

She landed on the other side and turned back to help him escape, their hearts racing as they heard the footsteps growing louder behind them. 

Adinya pulled Gourang through the window just in time, and they found themselves in a narrow alleyway. Without hesitation, they ran towards the nearest street, their adrenaline fueling their escape. 

The sound of their pursuers faded into the distance as they disappeared into the crowded city streets. Breathing heavily, they knew they had narrowly escaped capture and now needed to find a place to hide before their pursuers caught up.

 Adinya quickly scanned the alleyway for any signs of danger as they made their way towards the safety of the bustling streets ahead. " I hope Ma will be safe alone," Anmay said.

 "Don't worry, Deepa Ma will be fine; I know her." Adniya was reassured, placing a comforting hand on Anmay's shoulder.

 "We just need to lay low for a while until things cool down," Adinya said, leading Anmay through the maze of alleyways towards a safe hiding spot.

 As they navigated the labyrinth of narrow passages, they could hear the distant shouts of their pursuers growing fainter with each step. 

" I still need some answers to my questions" Anmay said, his voice filled with determination. " I will give all the answers you seek, but for now, our priority is to stay safe and out of sight," Adniya replied, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

 Anmay nodded in agreement, knowing that patience and caution were key in their current situation. 



I hope everything is crystal clear now?

Gourang = Anmay

They both are the same person!!!!

I will explain in detail in next chapter 

Thank youu

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