Why Is It Always Love Gods?

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Quick Authors Note: The photo above will be what I will based later off of as well as the images below 


W: Based on the voice, look and over all history, I have a guess. But Angel, they are strong and powerful, especially if Per- Kore turned them immortal.

N: Who is it then, Sunshine?

W: It's....


W: It's Adonis, Angel.

The second Will said the name, It all clicked for Nico. A lover of Kore, The doors of death, the kidnapping, the history they had with one another.  (For context: Adonis was a lover of Persephone and Aphrodite who he had spent 1/3 of the year with. 1/3 with Aphrodite, 1/3 with Persephone (who had it the worst since she was in the underworld at the time) and the other 1/3 was for himself. Once while hunting, a wild boar had killed him. Some say it was Ares fault since the boar was his symbol while others say it was Artemis getting revenge) That would explain the anemone flowers she constantly grew and kept hidden from his father's sight. It would explain the hunter's skill and the connection to Persephone but it didn't explain why he didn't go back to Aphrodite when revived? Maybe he blamed her since she had an affair with Ares and he caused his death.

N: So, if it is him, could we ask Aphrodite to help? She did love him and would want to help.

W: Angel, what if she sides with him though? 

N: I know Sunshine... I hate the idea of seeing her but if she helps us? The pros outweigh the cons. 

Nico knew how risky it was not for the situation but for himself, if Aphrodite was like her son, he would vow to stay single..... But then again, he wouldn't be with Will or find happiness...

However, the boys slept in a little tent that they had created and waited until the next day to seek the goddess out.

Once they woke, they had eaten at a small bakery nearby. 

          Now, well rested, the boys ventured on foot to the nearest temple to the Love Goddess and sacrificed lettuce (Lettuce is one of her favorites and one of her symbols. I remembered off the top of my head and then later realized that she wrapped Adonis's body in lettuce, so it relates in a weird way. Idk why but she did) to her as it was one of the only things they had that might please her. (However, Will was not happy to lose his greens) They waited for minutes and almost gave up when she showed up...

Aphrodite: Hello young ones, my is this interesting. I believe this is the first time either of you have prayed to me in a while...

Aphrodite looked like a female version of Will, same light blue eyes that could quite never be the same as Jasons. The tan and sun kissed skin that Will had due to him living in Texas and being a son of Apollo. The same blue tattered, washed out, and ripped jeans with his faded orange camp shirt with his flannel blue sweater ish top. (Percy: And I'm not your type?) 

To Will however, Aphrodite looked like a female versions of Nico, baby bat winged hair that was messy in a good way at the top but for her, it cascaded down her back in a ponytail . She wore black washed out and ripped jeans, belt, sword on her ring finger in ring form, a black camp t-shirt and milk chocolate eyes that Will loved.

Aphrodite: Why have you prayed to me young demigods? 

N: It is about Kore, my ex-stepmother. She has revived and immortalized Adonis..

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