Ranking all Naruto parts in the Naruto franchise

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The Naruto franchise is one of my favorite franchises is of all time and it's for that reason I've decided rank all 5 Naruto Parts from less favorite to absolute favorite as I did enjoy all of these parts which is why for today's discussion we're going to be doing just that. Now before we get started I just want to point out all of this is purely my opinion so you can disagree if you want to. Anyways without further ado let's get started.

5. Naruto Shippuden

Naruto Part 2 which is volumes 28 to 72 also known as Naruto Shippuden is in last place

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Naruto Part 2 which is volumes 28 to 72 also known as Naruto Shippuden is in last place. While I do like Shippuden it has the best music in the anime, it has great action sequences, and Madara is definitely the best character in all of Naruto, the reason why it's last place is because it's simply overrated, they're were a many problems with this: the Sasuke vs Deidara fight was cringe and ass I don't even know why that fight is even a thing especially since Deidara sucks as a character, I didn't like the Tenchi Bridge arc because of characters like Sai and what Kishimoto did to Sasuke's character by having him try to kill Naruto despite sparing him at the end of Part 1, all of Konoha 11 barely gets any screen time and character development aside from Hinata and Team 10 (especially Shikamaru), and the first half of the Fourth Great Ninja War arc sucked especially the countdown and confrontation arcs. On top of that they primarily focus on overpowered ninjutsu and techniques and forms which is fine but it's those things that can ruin the stakes of the story if not done properly, and lastly Kaguya came out of nowhere she should've never been included into the story. If you're gonna include Kaguya or any Otsutsuki gods at least give us hints of Kaguya's existence and leave Madara as the final villain. Overall Shippuden has it's moments the Pain arc was peak, I love the Itachi plot twist, the Sasuke vs Danzo fight is one of my favorite fights, and the world building ultimately the problem with Shippuden are the reasons why it's last place.

4. Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Boruto Part 1 which is Volumes 1 to 20 also known as Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is 4th place

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Boruto Part 1 which is Volumes 1 to 20 also known as Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is 4th place. Putting filler aside I think it's a pretty okay manga it had pretty interesting concepts such as ninja with technology, I enjoyed Sarada's journey of meeting her father Sasuke for the first time. The Otsustuki clan is interesting I'm really glad that they explored more of its concept, Kawaki is a pretty cool character. The Momoshiki fight is really awesome the Jigen fight was great it had me on edge the entire time when I saw this fight and it was at that moment that made me realize that Naruto and Sasuke are complete jokes in comparison to stronger opponents. I loved the Baryon Mode Naruto VS Isshiki fight I think that's the best fight in the entire part and Kurama's sacrifice really brought me to tears, and this is underrated but I did like Sasuke losing his Rinnegan because it shows that he and Naruto are no longer the powerhouses they once were and the Omnipotence arc was absolute peak with the twist and turns especially with Boruto and Kawaki switching places. Overall I think Naruto Next Generations is pretty cool and underrated I know a lot of people are gonna crucify me for putting this above Naruto Shippuden but the thing is that Naruto Next Generations improved on some problems I had with Shippuden.

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