French Fried

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To celebrate saving Floyd from a pair of evil, giant, pop-obsessed succubi siblings named Velvet and Veneer in Mount Rageous, the brothers decided to take Floyd out to eat

F: Woah, this place is fancy! How'd you get the reservations for this place, Bruce?

B: When your restaurant is as big as mine, getting reservations and connections is easy peasy!

C: Yeah, this place is nice and oooo, shiny....hehehe

Clay's eyes land on the shiny chandelier above them at the reception counter

He tried to jump up and touch it but Branch pulled him down

BH: Hey! Let's not break anything! Bruce reserved this place specially for us and I do NOT wanna deal with your nonsense -__-

JD: Plus, you have a tendency to touch anything shiny! In that dorito shaped head o' yours....

C: Oh, zip your lippers, Squaro!

JD: HEY- Im aro and PROOD! 😌

F: It's PROUD! 😅☝️

JD: Shut up Fruit Shorts

SP: Oh hey look our table is ready!

As the brothers got escorted to their booth, they looked at the menu, in which they only had one-

BH: Can I see the menu, John?

JD: I want to get my soup :D

C: Oh god...not again...

Suddenly, a french waiter (LEE?!/&:$:&/&) spawned out of nowhere, ready to take their orders

Waiter: Good evening gentlemen...and square. Welcome to Insert Restaurant Name Here, how may I be of service?

Bruce snatched the menu from John to place his order

B: Good evening! I'd like the fettuccine pasta salad please ! 😁

C: Fancy schmancy ass....

Waiter: Oui, une fettuccine pasta salade! And for you, broccoli?

Clay attempted to do a french accent

C: WEE! I would like car go! please!! 😁

B: And he thought MY meal was fancy....

F: Clay, I think you pronounced the meal wrong...

The french waiter looked insulted

Waiter: Sir, do you mean the escargot??

C: Yeah, yeah, whatever you said..! 😀

Waiter: For you, gentlemen?

The waiter gestured to Branch and Floyd, waiting for their order

BH: I'll just have mac and cheese... 😅

F: CHEESE?/$:828:$/$2

JD: Relax Floyd no one has time for your cravings-

F: Sorry, sorry. I'll have the filet mignon, mon bien monsieur 😁✨

C: Of course you want the meat...


Waiter: Oookay and what of you, Square Fish?


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