I Got It..I Got It.. I.....Dont Got It....

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Because they were bored the Brozone brothers decided to play a good old fashioned game of tag


JD: And? Tag is fun! You run around, have fun...

F: Get pushed to the ground by SOME brutal menace...

Floyd stared at Clay

C: HEY- It was ONE game!! And you weren't running fast enough- ☝️🤨

B: ANyways... John you gotta admit: We're a WEE bit too old for tag. EsPECIALLY you.

C: Bruce is right. You're gonna throw your back out just by sprinting


C + B + BH + F: Okayyyy~

JD: Fine! What do YOU guys wanna play?

F: Arrow Roulette?

C + BH + B + JD: NOH!!

F: it was just a suggestion...🥺

C: How about we play something more..aerodynamic? Likeeee....Sparkleball?!

Clay pulls a Sparkleball out from his hair

B: That actually sounds fun but we dont have a Sparkleball net...

C: Leave that to me..!

Clay spots a net across the picnic table they're sitting at and attempts to make a basket

Coincidentally, an elderly woman just so happen to be walking by and Clay aCciDeNtALlY hit her

B + BH + F + JD: ...........

C: Well- It woulda worked if she wasn't in the way—!

After calling an ambulance and the elderly woman shaking her fist and cursing out Brozone from the back of the ambulance, they try desperately to think of a new way to help with their boredom

C: Oookay any type of SPORT is off the table....because I'm pretty sure half you guys are uncoordinated...

JD: HEY! I was VERY coordinated!! I got straight Z's in Gym class!!

BH: First of all, that wasn't you- That was Bruce

B: Secondly, how the f**k do you get a Z in gym?!

JD: I-I broke the scoreboard with a tennis racket...

F: How did you-

C: Just say you aren't athletic and move on-!

JD: No! I'm still in good shape!! And I'll prove it!!

F: C'mon John, even I'm not athletic but at least I'm humble about it..


John suddenly picked up Floyd and tossed him so high into the air he was practically in the clouds

JD: Oops....


BH: Now look what your dumbass did!!!

B: We have to catch him!!!

C: Where did he even go? I can't see him thru all the clouds!!

JD: Leave this to me guys! Clay, give me a boost!

C: You must be NUTS if you think-!

JD: I'll never call you Arugula Head again—!

C: But I can't lift you up!!

JD: I'll buy you a book

C: With what money?

BH: Guys!! Floyd is right there!!

They all glanced over at a statue Floyd was about to land on and John ran over and climbed the statue


JD: I got you..I got you...I......GOT YOU!!!

The square somehow managed to catch Floyd in time before he hit the ground

Floyd landed in John's arms catching his breath

F: Whew...thanks John!

JD: No problem..!

John put Floyd back on his feet and Floyd stepped on his foot


F: That's for shooting me up in the air -_________-

JD: But I caught you.. :D

F: That's also true....have a good day!!

Floyd skipped away smiling

The brothers just stared at him

C: He does know that he's going to wrong way, right..?


Trolls: Brozone OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now