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Inside of Rhonda, Brozone and Kismet are trying to plan Boom's surprise party

Ablaze: Andddd...done!

Hype: Done with what?

Ablaze: The f***ing streamers...

Hype: I knew that 😀

Branch: ANYWHOOZERS, guys this place looks great so far! I know Boom's gonna love it!

Clay: How can we be so sure, Branch?

John Dory: What exactly do you mean?

Clay: I mean, Boom isn't the...shiniest mirror in the bathroom...

Bruce: The sharpest tool in the shed...

Trickee: And he isn't exactly the tallest tree in the forest

Floyd: Cmon guys! Sure, Boom can be a little..well..his way of thinking may be different from others, but he's still Boom! He just needs time, thats all!!

John Dory: Are we even sure Boom knows this?

Bruce: Does he even know how old he is?

Floyd: Okay, stop. Boom is Boom! And I'm gonna prove it by leading him to the party with NO problems whatsoever!!

Trickee: Good luck...

Floyd walks out of Rhonda to go find Boom, who's seen investigating a rock

Floyd: Heyyyy Boom, whatcha...whatcha doin?'

Boom: I'm looking at a rock.

Floyd: Why are you looking at a rock.. 😅

Boom: Because it's a rock and rocks are nice :3

Floyd: Valid. Say, do you know what today is, Boom?

Boom:  President's Day?

Floyd: Hehe, no! 

Boom: Hmmm..Halloween?

Floyd: No, but..good guess, I guess!

Boom: Ooh! Ooh! I've got it! It''s..what was I talking about? 😅

Floyd: Boom it's your birthday!

Boom: Ohhh that's right it is my birthday! I can't believe you remember!

Floyd: I would never forget a day as Special as this. And anyway, follow me! I have a surprise for you?

Boom: I love surprises 🤠n

Floyd leads Boom to Rhonda with his eyes closed

Boom: Can I open yet?

Floyd: Nooo, not yet!

As the door opened, Floyd let his eyes go

Boom: I thought you said there was a surprise for me?

Floyd: Just turn around!


Boom: Oh wow, guys! This is so sweet! The cake, the decor, the GIFT pile! Everything is perfect. Except for one thing.

Branch: Oh?

Boom grabs a red marker and uses a ladder to climb up the banner and respells 'Boom' to 'Bom'

Boom: You guys spelled my name wrong! Duhh!

As everyone just stares blankly as Floyd hugs Boom tightly

Floyd: I love you, you adorable pile of cluelessness. Happy birthday!

Boom: Happy Birthday to you too, Floyd!

Floyd is a little surprised but continues to hold Boom close


Trolls: Brozone OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat