Chapter 11: "Friendly" bear hugs

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As Jeonghan strides down the pavement, he scans the surroundings, brimming with anticipation. Today marks the cinematic rendezvous with Seungcheol. They settled on meeting at the park nearby, conveniently close to their movie destination.

Jeonghan clenches his fist, adjusting his blouse with a determined tug. Ah, yes, the outfit deliberation. He's sporting black ripped jeans paired with a halter neck blouse, a sartorial choice that's more avant-garde than the usual movie fare, all thanks to Joshua's unwavering fashion decree.

"Either wear this or go naked," was Joshua's decree, delivered with the persuasive finesse of a fashion guru. Jeonghan couldn't even muster a protest because, let's face it, the outfit does lend him an air of undeniable allure.

The weather cooperates with a touch of whimsy, the sky adorned with fluffy clouds yet still radiant. It's the perfect setting.

"Hey..." Jeonghan startles as a voice materializes behind him, causing him to whirl around, almost jumping out of his skin. There stands Seungcheol, donning a baby blue button-down and black jeans, exuding effortless coolness with a sling bag slung over his shoulder.

"You scared me," Jeonghan admits, clutching his chest theatrically while tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear. "Well, you are a scaredy-cat," Seungcheol teases, his laughter dancing on the breeze as they embark on their stroll.

Seungcheol's gaze wanders appreciatively over Jeonghan, taking in his unconventional ensemble. There's never a dull moment with Jeonghan's fashion choices. He's either serving looks or serving them extra. "Ugly" and "Jeonghan" are like oil and water-utterly incompatible.

"You look good," Seungcheol compliments, prompting Jeonghan's cheeks to flush with delight as he pouts playfully. "Credits to Joshua," he confesses with a soft sigh, nodding in gratitude.

"You look good too," Jeonghan reciprocates with a grin, basking in Seungcheol's charming aura.

Seungcheol is the epitome of handsomeness, effortlessly so. Whether he's chatting, grinning, or simply existing, he's a walking advertisement for good looks, leaving Jeonghan in perpetual awe.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Seungcheol inquires as they approach the ticket counter, with only two pairs ahead of them in the queue. "Anything's fine," Jeonghan replies with a nonchalant shrug, though internally he adds, "Because I'm here to watch you."

"Two tickets, please," Seungcheol requests, exchanging money with the cashier, who wears an expression of barely concealed exasperation. "Here you go," she mutters monotonously, handing back the change as Seungcheol offers his thanks, and they proceed on their cinematic adventure.

"Why did we end up with these seats at the back?" Jeonghan grumbled, his feet dragging like he was being sentenced to a marathon on hot coals. "I swear, it's not my fault. Blame it on the ticket lady," Seungcheol retorted, extending his hand like a human shield to protect Jeonghan from his own clumsiness.

"Great, now we're basically watching the movie from the next town over," Jeonghan muttered, eyeing the distant screen like it was a mirage in the desert. "Might as well have bought tickets for the 'Where's Waldo?' live show."

"Watch your step," Seungcheol boomed, sounding more like a concerned parent than a movie buddy. Jeonghan couldn't help but admire the bulging biceps under Seungcheol's shirt, wondering if he had a secret side gig as a bodybuilder.

"Thanks, my hero," Jeonghan mumbled, feeling his cheeks flush as Seungcheol helped him up, like a knight rescuing a damsel in distress. As the movie finally started, Jeonghan tried to focus, but all he could feel was the frigid gust of the air conditioning, like a blizzard in the middle of summer.

"Feeling chilly?" Seungcheol asked, his eyebrows raised in concern as he noticed Jeonghan's shivering form.

"Cold? Nah, just practicing my Morse code with my teeth," Jeonghan joked, teeth clattering like a malfunctioning typewriter, earning a skeptical glance from Seungcheol.

"You're turning into an ice sculpture as we speak," Seungcheol remarked, and Jeonghan shot him a glare that could melt steel. "Maybe I wouldn't freeze if this theater had a fireplace," he retorted, earning a suppressed snicker from Seungcheol.

"There's no jacket in the world that could save me from this chill-" Jeonghan's complaint was abruptly cut off as Seungcheol pulled him into a bear hug, his warmth enveloping Jeonghan like a fluffy blanket.

"Is this better?" Seungcheol's voice rumbled like distant thunder, and Jeonghan had to resist the urge to purr like a content kitten. Seungcheol and his deep voice were a dangerous combination indeed.

This wasn't exactly the movie experience Jeonghan had in mind, but he wasn't complaining. Watching the movie with Seungcheol's arms around him, providing enough warmth to power a small village, was more than he could have hoped for.

"More than enough," Jeonghan murmured back, just loud enough for Seungcheol to hear, who grinned like he'd just won the lottery as he continued to wrap Jeonghan in his comforting embrace.

Jeonghan struggled to focus on the movie, hindered by the awkward position he was in. Yet, being enveloped in Seungcheol's comforting embrace as they watched the film together, Jeonghan couldn't help but notice Seungcheol's warmth and friendliness. Was he always like this?

"He's being like this because he's naturally friendly," Jeonghan reassured himself before redirecting his attention to the movie.

Seungcheol's gaze drifted from the screen to Jeonghan nestled in his arms. Despite the movie's boldness, Wonwoo had given it the green light. After years of shying away, Seungcheol saw this as his final opportunity to win Jeonghan's heart.

"Damn, he looks so small and adorable in my arms," Seungcheol mused silently, resisting the urge to shower Jeonghan's face with kisses. He stealthily retrieved his phone and snapped a picture of them together.

A mischievous grin spread across Seungcheol's face as he tapped the send button, sharing the photo with Wonwoo and Mingyu along with a message:

"Looks like movie night just got a lot more interesting. Wish me luck!"



Sorry for the short chapter 🥲

You are in competition of being dumb but your opponent is love note's Jeonghan 🤡

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