Chapter 23: Too short to regret

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Jeonghan huffed as he closed the door to his dorm, the weight of the world seeming to press down on his shoulders. Startled, Joshua looked up from the screen, his eyes widening at the sight of Jeonghan's exhausted expression.

"Jeonghan?" Joshua gasped, quickly rising from the couch and rushing over to him, arms wrapping tightly around his friend. Despite their occasional arguments, they were still best friends, and Joshua's concern was evident in his actions.

"What happened?" Joshua's voice was laced with worry as he gently wiped the sweat from Jeonghan's forehead with his sleeves.

Jeonghan trembled in Joshua's embrace, the words Seungcheol had said echoing in his mind like a broken record. He couldn't quite understand why he felt so devastated by them, but the pain was overwhelming, and tears began to well up in his eyes as he clung to Joshua.

"It's okay," Joshua whispered, offering comfort without needing to ask any questions, guiding Jeonghan over to the couch. Whatever had transpired, it had clearly affected Jeonghan deeply.

"Do you need water?" Joshua asked softly after a while, noticing Jeonghan pulling back slightly. "Yes," Jeonghan croaked, his throat dry and scratchy. Joshua nodded understandingly before heading to the kitchen to fetch water for him.

As Jeonghan gulped down the entire glass in one go, he let out a heavy sigh, placing the empty glass on the table as Joshua settled cross-legged beside him.

"I'm here for you, Jeonghan," Joshua said gently, his voice filled with empathy. "You can tell me anything."

"It's—" Jeonghan starts, his voice trailing off as he struggles to articulate the turmoil swirling within him. His chest tightens with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, the weight of the recent revelation pressing down on him like a heavy stone. He takes a deep, steadying breath, attempting to calm the storm of emotions raging inside him, before closing his eyes to allow the flood of memories to wash over him once more.

He recalls the serene setting of the garden, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, where he stood eagerly awaiting the mysterious notes person. The air was thick with anticipation, each passing moment feeling like an eternity until suddenly, Seungcheol appeared, disrupting the tranquility with his unexpected presence. The words spilled from Seungcheol's lips like a revelation, shattering the illusion of anonymity that Jeonghan had clung to for so long.

Jeonghan's heart pounded in his chest as he grappled with the implications of Seungcheol's confession. The rush of adrenaline fueled his instinct to flee, and without a second thought, he turned and bolted, leaving Seungcheol standing alone in the moonlit garden, his words hanging in the air like a haunting echo.

"The person behind the notes," Jeonghan finally manages to utter, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped them. Joshua's eyes widen in disbelief, his mind struggling to process the gravity of Jeonghan's revelation.

"It's Seungcheol..." Jeonghan's voice is barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. Joshua's own shock mirrors Jeonghan's, his mind reeling at the sudden turn of events.

"What?" Joshua's voice is tinged with disbelief, his brows furrowing in confusion as he attempts to make sense of the situation. Jeonghan simply nods, his expression a tumultuous mix of emotions.

"I was waiting in the garden, and suddenly he came up to me and said that the person behind those notes is him," Jeonghan explains, his voice tinged with frustration as he recalls the moment. He runs a hand through his hair, the strands tangling around his fingers in a futile attempt to anchor himself amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

"What did you do then?" Joshua's tone is gentle, his eyes filled with concern as he gazes at Jeonghan, who closes his eyes in a futile attempt to shield himself from the onslaught of guilt and regret.

"I—" Jeonghan's voice catches in his throat, his breath hitching as he struggles to find the words to convey the depth of his turmoil. "I ran away from him."

Joshua's eyes soften with understanding, recognizing the complexity of Jeonghan's emotions in that moment. He knows that chastising Jeonghan would only exacerbate the situation, pushing him further into the depths of his turmoil.

"He must be feeling so bad—and I just—damn—I didn't mean to run away, I swear..." Jeonghan's voice is filled with remorse, his words heavy with the weight of his regret. He rubs his face wearily, exhaustion etched into every line of his features, as Joshua places a comforting hand over his shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity in the face of their shared turmoil.

As Jeonghan's words hang in the air, a heavy silence descends upon them, thick with unspoken regrets and tangled emotions. Joshua feels the weight of Jeonghan's turmoil pressing against his own chest, a palpable reminder of the fragile nature of human connection.

"I understand," Joshua finally says, his voice soft yet resolute. "Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we react in ways we never intended. It's human nature."

"Did you let him explain himself?" Joshua questions, his voice gentle yet probing. Jeonghan shakes his head, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he whispers, "No," biting down on his lip in frustration. Joshua simply nods, his expression understanding, allowing Jeonghan the space to grapple with his own emotions.

"Do you want to hear what he has to say?" Joshua's question hangs in the air, prompting Jeonghan to delve into a whirlwind of contemplation. Does he? Yes, he does want to know why Seungcheol did what he did. But at the same time, a part of him wishes to avoid the inevitable confrontation.

"I do," Jeonghan finally admits, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes fixed on some distant point in the room. Joshua nods in response, a serene calmness emanating from him as he leans back on the couch.

"Then it's simple," Joshua says, his tone reassuring. "Let him explain his side. If you feel like whatever he says is justified, then forgive him and move on. But if you believe that he was in the wrong, tell him that, and if necessary, cut off ties."

"Life is too short to spend regretting our past actions, hannie," Joshua adds softly, his hand gently patting Jeonghan's head in a gesture of comfort. "Learn to forgive and rebuild."

Jeonghan nods slowly, his thoughts turning inward as he contemplates Joshua's words. Indeed, Seungcheol deserves an opportunity to explain himself, and what harm could come from it? After all, Seungcheol hadn't betrayed him, and the notes hadn't caused any harm. People make mistakes, and it's through forgiveness and understanding that they can grow and evolve.

With a newfound sense of resolve, Jeonghan lifts his gaze, meeting Joshua's comforting eyes with a silent determination.

"I'll talk to Seungcheol," Jeonghan declares, his voice steady with conviction.

Joshua nods in approval, his eyes reflecting pride in his friend's decision. "Just remember," he says, his voice gentle yet firm, "whatever happens, you're strong enough to handle it."

Seungcheol loml ❤️

Im sorry for running away like that.
Can we please talk once again?



More three chapters I guess 🤔 enjoy.

What do you think Jeonghan should do?

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