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  DAYAMI WAS SUMMONED TO A COVEN MEETING, these meetings were always a bore, usually always but recently they seemed to be turning into a witch hunt.

A witch hunt for a certain baby witch and it was all thanks to blabbermouth Nenet.

Apparently, she had overheard a phone call when Dayami was calling her daughter to make sure her granddaughter good. Nenet went straight to the elders with the information and basically all hell broke lose.

"She's an abomination." Zuma (an elder) expressed.

An old man sitting to Zuma's right shook his head, disappointed in Dayami, "No, unacceptable." Tenoch scolded.

Another elder nodded in agreement, it was Itzel, "We are already breaking rules, regulations, not to mention the traditions of the coven by letting Valentina ''earn'' her way back into the coven, not to mention Xochitl is on thin ice."

Dayami inhaled deeply, any meeting that involved the elders felt like she was enduring a lobotomy while being given an aneurysm at same time, especially when Zuma and Itzel were involved, "She's just a baby. Just because she has vampire blood—"

"I don't care that the child has vampire blood, that is just an incovnice," Nenetl stated, she's always been less strict on the rules and regulations, seeing the things in grey rather than black and white, unlike other (most) elders, "What I am concerned about, is that the child is the product of an evil unhinged man that attempted to murder your daughter and various other members of this coven."

"Exactly," Tenoch agreed, "She has already been born with an immense power, if she's welcomed into the coven her power will only grow. What happens when she grows hungry for power?"

"We have been in a similar situation before and it did not end well." Itzel said.

Dayami rolled her eyes, her granddaughter isn't even self aware yet and they are already comparing her to evil witches, "She is not her father." she stated. "And that scenario will not happen."

Zuma scoffed, "Not yet."

Zuma wanted to rid the coven of the (unofficial yet totally official) royal line of succession, since the beginning of time, Dayami's family line had been the leader's (rulers) of the coven, they were the strongest witches in the entire coven. It wasn't till recently that coven members could become elders to help guide the leader's. Most of the time the leaders did what they wanted, disregarding the elders ruling.

"Except, she is one of us. She has barley entered the world, the child needs the care and guidance of her coven." Sanse argued, "It's her birth right to be accepted into this coven until she proves otherwise.

"Which she hasn't." Dayami added.

Dayami knew she could count on Sanse, they were big second chances and keeping the coven together.

Acalan on the other hand was fifty fifty, his moods usually influenced his decisions, "She's a baby, she won't do any harm," he said, "Besides, we can do the sacrifice and power the coven further."

His point seemed to align everyone's opinion, and they all agreed into officially accepting Zyanya into the coven.

Dayami found it ridiculous. They had been arguing amongst each other for days, and all she had to do was mention the ritual, "Really? We've been arguing this for days and that's all it took."

They all shrugged.

"He made a good point." Zuma said.

Xóchitl willed for the elevator to go faster, today was the day and she couldn't help but buzz with excitement. Zyanya was being discharged from the hospital today, and she was going to be damned if she missed it.

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