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  REBEKAH HAD JUST FALLEN ASLEEP, still somewhat semi conscious. She was so exhausted taking care of two newborn babies. Two infants was way harder than she thought it would be. Citlali offered to take Hope with her to get groceries, her niece wouldn't stop crying and the doctor thought a car ride would sooth her.

That left her and Zyanya home alone, Xóchitl and Valentina had gone with Citlali.

She heard the girl's nursery door squeak open, that startled her awake instantly.

No one was supposed to be home.

Rebekah quickly got up, and quietly flashed to the nursery. 

An all too familiar blond man stood over her daughter's crib.

It was Mikael, her father.

To say she was shocked would be an understatement.

She was frozen in place, watching as he lovingly caressed Zyanya's cheek.

  "You're supposed to be dead," she spoke, "Have you come back to torment me is again? And now my daughter?"

He turned around, and shook his head, "I would never. Not you, never you nor your child. She is my blood, one that I'd be proud to call granddaughter. Unlike the abomination who decided to create an atrocity with that vermin." He practically yelled before looking back at Zyanya, a smile etched on his lips. "What is her name?" He asked.


  "What's that mean?"

  "Always and forever."

  "It's a very fitting name." He said.

Rebekah gasped awake, it was dark, a contest to her weird dream. She quickly got to her feet and rushed to the nursery. It had been Xóchitl's old room, but was since renovated into the girls nursery.

The townhouse had three rooms, everyone had a room of their own. Valentina sometimes crashed on the couch when she stayed the night. Once Hope came to live with them, Xóchitl gave up her room, saying it wasn't a big deal and she slept with Citlali's room. The guest bedroom had been given to Rebekah.

She burst into the room, her heart pounding in anticipation, but was instantly calmed when the room was empty, except for the sleeping newborn. Rebekah entered the room and walked over to the crib, there laid Hope, fast asleep, instead of her daughter.

Rebekah caressed the newborn's cheek. Most of the baby supplies they'd bought for Zyanya was repurposed and given to Hope, since they didn't know when Zyanya would be released from hospital.

Her phone vibrated, she instantly pulled it out of her back pocket.

Rebekah felt her heart drop, there were multiple messages from Xóchitl, Valentina, and Citlali. All saying she needed to get to the hospital immediately.

That sounded bad, she glanced up to the time. It was eleven, almost twelve at night, there was no good news at this time of night.

Rebekah carefully picked up Hope, and quickly walked back into the living room, where the infant carrier was. She quickly placed Hope in, and buckled her up.

Then she rushed out the door.

She drove as fast and as safe as possible with a baby in the back seat. A short drive later (although it felt like an eternity), she arrived, parked and got Hope out before heading to the entrance.

There she spotted Valentina waiting for her.

   "What happened?"

Valentina shrugged, "I don't know, I went to get food. I was coming back, when Xóchitl told me to wait for you here so I could take Hope."

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