Chapter 14

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Sophie sat in her room, playing with Iggy. She was so cute and playful. She already trusted Sophie a lot, Sophie could tell she would never try to fly away.

Knock knock.

"Come in!" Sophie called.

It was Fitz. He eyed Iggy suspiciously (Iggy had tried to attack him before) and said "Keefe is here for you. He says to bring Iggy." He went.

Keefe is here? What? He had just left not too long ago.

Sophie stood and walked to the front door, with Iggy on her head playing with her hair.

"Keefe?" Sophie asked.
He was pacing the deck with his back turned to her. At the sound of her voice, he turned around, worry painted on his face.

"Sophiewehavetogorightnowmydadishuntingusdowngetinthecar!!" He said quickly and grabbed Sophie's arm, pulling her to the car.

"Keefe? Keefe! Stop! What's going on?" Sophie asked, stopping him from taking her.
"Tell me."

"We don't have time!"

"Tell me."

Keefe sighed and told her how he'd gotten grounded by buying Monty, and how his dad wanted to-
"What?! But...but Monty's so cute! How could he do such a thing?!" Sophie cried, horrified.

"I know! That's what I said, but he just...Aaaaaaargh! I hate him!"

"Keefe. I'll go with you. When do we leave?"

"Right now! He'll be coming any second!"

"I'll go pack."

"We don't have time! Let's go now!"

"He won't come right away. He'll go to my house first, then to the here, because he doesn't know I'm here, does he?"

", but-"

"Good. Then I'll go pack. Come on, Keefe. Come inside."

Sophie led him to her room.

"Hmmm...should I take this shirt?" Sophie asked, browsing through her wardrobe.

"Sophie, we really don't have time, he'll-"
Keefe got cut off by Sophie kissing him.
When they pulled apart, Keefe chuckled. "I see what's happening. Are you trying to...stall?"

Sophie grinned mischievously. "No-oooo..."

"Oh really?" Keefe grabbed a pillow off Sophie's bed and chucked it at her. Sophie shrieked with laughter and threw it back. Keefe caught it.

They continued whacking each other with pillows. But, of course, someone had to ruin the fun. Fitz.

"Sophie?" Fitz asked, "what's g-" he got cut off by a pillow whack.

Keefe and Sophie froze, wide eyed. The room was covered with feathers and stuffing from ripped pillows. A couple of glass mini-statue things had fallen off Sophie's desk and smashed. The short version; it was a mess.

"What the...?" Fitz said, looking around the room. His eyes grew wide when he registered the mess. "You...are in so much trouble!" He exclaimed, he sounded almost excited. Fitz turned and ran off, probably to tell everyone else to get them in trouble.

"Uhhh...Sophie? I think it's time to go." Keefe said.

"Uh, yeah. And on second thought...I don't think I'll pack. Let's just go." She said, glancing wearily at her clothes, which were now covered in a fine layer of feathers.

Laughing and holding hands, they went to the front door and opened it.

"Hello, Keefe." Cassius was there. He said Keefe's name like it was a dirty piece of laundry he had found under the couch.

Keefe gulped nervously. "Uhhh...hey, father." Then he slammed the door in his face. They both burst out laughing. Then they turned around. And stopped laughing.

Standing behind them was the whole Vacker family. Fitz looked the angriest. Alvar was close to it. So was Alden, but he also had shock on his face. Della had shock and disappointment. Biana had sadness and shock.

"There they are. They messed up the whole room! Those pillows cost a fortune!" Fitz cried.

Keefe rolled his eyes. "Everything costs a fortune in the Vacker house." He gestured wildly to a potted plant next to him.
"This-this plant! This plant here costs five billion dollars!"
He knocked it over with his foot.
"Oops." He smirked.

Fitz growled, "get out of our house. Now."

Keefe shrugged. "Ok. Bye, Fitzy."
He grabbed Sophie's hand and opened the door.
Cassius was gone.

Or so they thought.

They managed to walk a couple of steps before Cassius sprang out at them from behind a fancy looking tree.
"Keefe! I told you to obey me. You didn't. You will hand over the dog and go home. You are grounded for the rest of the year. will never see Sophie again." Cassius growled at them.

"K-Keefe-?" Sophie said before Keefe broke into a sprint. Running towards his car with their hands still entwined.

"Hey! Keefe! Get back here!" Cassius shouted at them.

Keefe and Sophie piled into the car and Keefe sped down the street.

Keefe turned onto a highway.

"...Keefe?" Sophie asked.


"You're an idiot."

Keefe glanced nervously at Sophie. What if she didn't want to do this with him? Keefe couldn't do this alone. It was too...big.

"And that's why I love you." Sophie leaned over and kissed his cheek. Keefe grinned.

"I love you too, Sophie."

They drove in silence for a while.



"Where are we going to go?"

Keefe took a deep breath to steady his nerves.


Aaaaand, that's a wrap! (Of this chapter. Not the book.)
I've always wanted to say that. I feel...accomplished.

Anyways, I've noticed something. There are a lot of silent readers. If you've published your own books, you'll know that silent readers are not fun to have. I would really appreciate it if you could vote or comment on a chapter! Thank you! See you next chapter!

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