Chapter 2

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Hiya again!! Did you like chapter one? I hope you did!! 😄😄😁😁

"Why are you late?" The teacher said, looking down at Sophie like she was a bug she wanted to squash.

"I..missed the bus" Sophie said, wincing when the whole class laughed. It wasn't actually funny, but kids these days just laughed at anything.

"We all know, nerd! I got an amazing video of it!" Stina shouted, waving her phone.

Everyone laughed. Sophie gulped and sat down at a seat. Yep. Today is going to be a bad day.

The rest of the lesson went by, with the teacher occasionally shouting at students on their phone looking up Sophie's 'bus ride' on YouTube.

At lunch, Sophie grabbed random food and sat down at a table. Unfortunately, she wasn't allowed to eat in the library anymore because Stina had found her in there and started bullying her, which somehow managed to turn into a food fight.

Stina was the bully at Foxfire. She liked to pick on the weak, defenceless prodigies. Which obviously meant that her main target was Sophie.

"Hey Sophie! Guess what? Your video is going viral!" That was Stina. She sat down across from Sophie, followed by some of her friends. "See? It already has 1500 views!" Stina showed Sophie the video, and sure enough, the numbers were rapidly going up. Sophie sighed. "Leave me alone, Stina." She said, glaring at Stina.

"Why? I'm besties with an internet sensation!" Stina said, laughing. Her friends quickly started laughing as well.

Sophie sighed and got up, ready to get this day over and done with. "Uh uh uh! Stay here, bestie!" Stina tutted, "best friends don't walk away from each other!" Stina put on a fake smile.

Sophie ignored her and walked toward the bin and dumped her food in. She turned around, only to find herself face to face with Stina. "I said: don't. Walk. Away!" She said between gritted teeth.

Stina raised her fist to punch Sophie, and Sophie closed her eyes, knowing what was about to happen. Stina would beat her up while her friends filmed her. Then they would upload it to the internet and boom. Stinas famous.

Sophie braced for impact, never came. "Hey, Stina! What're you doing?" It was Fitz. Sophie couldn't believe he had come to save her. Or...maybe he wasn't. Maybe he just wanted to talk to Stina. Regardless, her heart started doing flips.

"Oh, hey Fitz!! I'm just beating up this nerd. You?" Stina said, way to sweetly. Stina also had a crush on Fitz. "Oh, I haven't been doing much. I just wanted to talk to you about something...if you have a second?"

While Fitz and Stina chatted, Sophie quietly slipped away. She went to her locker and took out her books for next class just as the bell went.

Did you like it? I promise that the action will start next chapter! 😄

Upside Down World - SoKeefe auWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt