"LET ME GO!" As Haruto continued struggling, The Puppeteer's head turned around, revealing the mouth on the back of its head. It was prepared to eat, Haruto no longer knew what to do, would he survive this?

"Bushida..?" A warm breeze passed through the air in an abandoned city. A large city at that.

"Where am I..?" The blond-haired boy sat up, noticing a book that was on his lap.

"YUKIO!" Upon hearing his name, Yukio got up, but the back of his neck was hurting really badly.

"Bushida?" Yukio followed the direction of the voice, finding absolutely nothing. Worried about the whereabouts of his friend, he continued exploring.

"This isn't a city.. at least not a normal one." Yukio looked at the signs that pointed to different science facilities, different name tags, belonging to different experiments. The only thing that each name tag had in common was the five digit number combination.

"00037... 44710... 09992...00096... how many of these are there?" Yukio entered one of the scientific facilities, searching for information on the billboards.

"Experiments to keep contained... no... NOTHING HERE IS HELPFUL!" Yukio punched the wall, resulting in a bloody fist. "CRAP!" Everything on the billboards were only about the experiments and different plants and locations that were destroyed. There were a few staff IDs, a majority of them were bloody. Upon looking at all the warnings, Yukio almost forgot that he was in the Mirror Realm.

"Ok... maybe these warnings will do me some good." Yukio searched his pockets for any guns or daggers, the only thing he had was the pocket book with information on the Mirror Beasts.

"Let's see if there's anything on these facilities.." He opened the book, turning to the table of contents.

"Guess I should find out what the main company is... 'C.C.E.F.' whatever that stands for." Yukio searched the table of contents until he found the abbreviation. Page one hundred two, that's where he turned.

"'Corruption Containment Experimental Facilities. A place where gods and demons alike are kept, but specifically the ones with a rare condition known as... corruption. Corruption is considered a disease that's often passed down, it's not contagious. Symptoms include anger bursts, depression, paranoia, intense anxiety, sudden hunger bursts... for the same species. Very few experiments come out alive, but I've given a list of live experiments that are very deadly, if you see these digits on one's arm or neck... keep away: 00008 00027, 00032, 00094, and 00126. These experiments have escaped from containment many years ago, their corruption is too strong. Stay strong, keep alive, good luck.' That's totally not concerning information at all." Yukio chuckled awkwardly. The facility was full of mirrors and dead staff members, but one dead member caught Yukio's eye, but rather the thing used to kill the worker.

"An ID? That has got to be the most embarrassing.... Death." Yukio pulled the ID that was tightly wrapped around the person's neck. It had a picture of a sixteen year old boy who looked absolutely miserable, with the numbers: 00027 on the bottom. Yukio became worried, not sure of whether he should keep exploring or not. Putting it in his pocket, he decided to continue, not like there was anything else that could be done. Instead of going further into the building, Yukio simply studied the papers on the billboards, looking for information on the 'need to be contained' experiments. Sure enough, it had the exact same digits listed in the book, but this time, it had the room numbers next to them.

"A7, Q9, F4, E1, and B1. All in order of the experiment digits I guess. Since those experiments escaped, it should be somewhat safe for me to investigate those rooms." Yukio tore the paper off of the billboard. "Investigator Yukio. Hm. Has a nice ring to it." He chuckled, looking at one o hi f the maps before taking it down and carrying it with him.

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