The Start of Whole New Adventure

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"", I said in a shocked voice as I opened my blue eyes to see sparking gray clouds everywhere I looked it like I was in heaven "You in my world", I heard a booming deep voice says and looked for the source only to see nothing "How did I get here all I remember was", I said as tried to look back through my memories "the Mirror World blooming up", the voice said leading me to see my planet in cracks with lava in the middle as it start to fall apart "that magic eventually lead to this world downfall what a shame", the voice said sounding a little saded "My Friends", I said with sadness all over my voice as tears start to cover my eyes leading me to wipe it off and see hooves instead of hands remembering how I was the one who bought magic to that world "I cause this didn't I", I said as the tears kept on falling "yes you and the girls overuse of your magic lead to it death", she said still sounding saded by what happens "then why didn't I died with them", I said as the tears keep going "because I know a way to saved this world", she said leading me feeling happy as the tears finally stop coming out "how do we do that", I said as I give a look wonder hoping that their will be some way to save it "I do anything", I said as I got on my knees "okay then how about changing your past", she said "do you mean time travel but changing one little thing could lead to a whold different...outcome", I said as I look at the earth knowing the voice could be right time travel could save this world "and how we going to time travel I don't remember the spell off the top of my head", I said as remember that I once read the spell as a younging in Celestia's chambers "no magic needed when you just control the whole galaxy", the voice said as some the gray clouds start to move showing off a alicorn pony with a sliver wing body and horn that was as blight as diamond, and have long bloud hair that almost as light as the sun, and last but not least she haved a cuttie mark showing all the planet with a pen right next to it "I am Nebula", she said leaving me shock as I heard that name before "wait Nebula as the one who made the whole universe in all those stories", I said "the very same", she said still a voice that louden then usual kinda remind how Twilight decide Luna in her early days as returning to equestia form the moon "Wow! Its a honer to meet you", I said as I bowed my head "their no need for that hun", she said after a little laugh "so tell me how we going to saved this world", I said as I look at her again seeing earth have fallen faren apart telling me she was showing down time "well like I mention we got to change your past so you get raid of what got you thier in the first place", she said leaving me to guess only to remember the mirror "I have destroy the mirror don't I, but I never get to see my friends again", I said as tears start to enter my eyes "sadly it the only choice we have", she said as she put a hooves on me since she was a feet taller kinda remind the days of Celestia doing the same "I understands so what else to save the world", I said knowing it was time to stoped being sadden about this and get ready for whatever she have plan "while I also went you to save the life of another, you ever wonder why you never met the other world Sunset", she said leaving me kinda shock as I know I never look form her "wait she been died this whole time what killed her", I said sounding sadden but also full with questions "well what the day that cause you the most damage", she said leading me to think when was the last time I was hurt am I only thinked of when I tiped over a bucket on stand rail as got my "Cuttiemark Day", I said as I remember saving my shelf for the fall with teleport magic but landing left side on my body and knocking me out "yept but you saved your self with magic what would happen to a girl with no magic", she said "she will died", I said as shock hit my voice "so are you willing to do what I ask", she said as she give me a look of wonder "definitely but I do have a question what about the Dazzlings", I said knowing that their only one to came to school to not search for magic "don't worry I just make sure Sirens get a different spell done to them that make dissapear", she said "you can really do that", I said " I can little once you do what I ask make sure both worlds would be safe", she said fulling me up with confidence "then I do it I would save that world Sunset and brake the mirror", I said with a smile on my face "what I like to heard I looking forward to it Sunset Shimmer", she said before I felt like I being teleproted to a familiar day in everybody life.

"Welcome to the world little one", a familiar voice said sounding just like my Mom causing me to open my eyes to see the famous Wonderbolt named Goldenbolt known for her golden wings and body flying through the air faster than anypony have seen at the time "Momma", I said in my head as tears appear in my eye as she left me to put a hoof to her chin felling her warmness telling me this is real "you alive", I said in my head as the tears start falling "oh see adorable what we going to name her", another voice said leading me to look and see the next generation Wonderbolt Captain Spitfire look at me looking only about four years old "I want her dad to be here before we name her", Mom said looking a little worry as she holds me close to her almost making me fall asleep until someone slams oven the door causing a loud slam noise as it hits the wall "I here where my little girl", the deeper voice said causing me to look and see one of the most honor warriors in all of Equestia Golden Armor "she right here hon", Mom said letting me know that this man really was my Dad a guy I've barely have any memory of until it hit me in the next couple of days this guy is going to be died "can I hold her", Dad said with a big smile on her face as Mom pass me to him causing me to feel his warmless and let out some tears knowing that their no way to save this guy form his soon to be death "so now that you here what my sis name", Spitfire said as I try to stop crying "well she does have the color of the suns so why not Sunset Shimmer", Mom said as I start to fall asleep in my Dad's hooves getting lost in the warmess I never feel again.

"Do you have to go", Spitfire said causing me to open my eyes again on this fateful day seeing my Dad standing next to the door open to a rainstorm as he talked to Mom and Sis "I have to or the Bugbear mint reached Tall Tale any minute now", Dad said as he carries his shield and was deck out in golden armor "I know hon, but please come home safe", Mom said as she gives him a longing hug leading Sis to join in as I just look out knowing that this will be the last time there will see him "please don't go", I said in my head trying my best to use my magic but getting nothing but just a bad headache "I will", Dad said as he returns the hug with tears in his eyes holding the ponies he loves before leaving causing me to cry as loud as could "don't worry Sunset he will be back", Mom said as she picks me up to calm me down as I was full of sadness for him living as I know that will be the final time we see him.

"Mom", I said in my head as I heard a woman crying leading me to use my young eyes to see an open letter as my mom sat on the couch crying telling me what the note was about even if I couldn't read it "Mom I home", Spitfire said as she enter the house "what happen", Sis said seeing her Mom's sad face leading Mom to tried to act strong in the moment "Dad has died", she said as still cry offering her hooves "that can't be real," Sis said with a face full of sadness as tear enter her eyes "it true they found his lifeless body", she said leading Spitfire to hug mom as the two cries together "I wish I could've prevent this", I said as started to cried thinking of all the terrible shelf that going to happen to my family in the future "wait I'm in the past I could prevent all those", I said before a thought came to my head "if I change the past will it cause Twilight not to become the next princess", I said as I still look at the two crying "sorry Twilight but I changing the past of my family no matter what I don't want to see them cry again", I said I promised for a better future for my family.

To Be Continued in ch.2

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