An invaluable friend

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After about twenty minutes, we finally arrive in front of the haute couture store. Through the window, we can make out suits draped on mannequins, some to my liking, others less so.

_ Here we are at last, you'll finally look like who you are. He said as we got out of the vehicle.

_ And who am I?

_ A man of fortune, my friend, he replied, winking at me.

However, a concern troubles me: the story behind the creation of this organization doesn't sit well with me. A man who steals another's life, who betrays his peers, and who teaches honest people to become cold and heartless. While waiting for someone to open the establishment's door, I take the opportunity to discuss it with Jimmy.

_ Jimmy, this story with Salvatore Di Murano, you make it seem like he was an honorable man, I say, standing in front of the door.

_ He was. One thing alone led Di Murano to become what he became.

_ What was it?

_ Love, finally, he replied, fixing his gaze on me. _ If a puppy must become a wolf to achieve its goal, then it must be abandoned in the forest and come back stronger.

_ And his goal was her.

_ Exactly, she was the trigger for everything that followed. See this as a lesson: a man who wants to succeed against a man who has no choice but to succeed, which of the two will succeed?

Suddenly, a voice emerges behind the door, asking who we were.

_ It's Jimmy Cohen, and I'm with a friend.

The door then opens, revealing Silvio, who had become unrecognizable, sporting tattoos on his hands that extended up to the sleeve of his suit. He wore a gold earring in the shape of a snake, and upon observing his hands, I noticed a signet ring with the letters "D&M" on his ring finger.

_ My good old Jimmy, he said with a serious and icy tone, showing no emotion. Where's the young dreamer who used to play football with me and said he would be a professional footballer one day?

He descended three steps to approach us, creating a heavy silence.

_ Sandro, I'm surprised to see you here, he said, looking at Jimmy.

_ Yes, Sandro is now one of my students. He's attending his first class today, and I thought it was good to respect tradition.

He looked uncomfortable, it was actually the first time I saw Jimmy like this.

_ So, cat got your tongue? Silvio said firmly.

_ Hey, Silvio. Long time no see. I'm glad to see you're doing well.

He stared at me intensely for a moment, giving the impression he was going to dismiss me on the spot, but suddenly, a smile appeared on his face.

_ Unfortunately, I didn't become a professional football player.

I understood he wanted to convey that he hadn't forgotten about me. He then invited us to enter.

_ Could you tell me if this will take long? I asked Silvio.

_ Oh, believe me, it will take all the time necessary. This is Joseph, he has been working with me for many years now. Despite his large magnifying glasses, you can trust him. He has an eye for finding the perfect armor for a good knight.

Joseph was an old man wearing large magnifying glasses, which greatly amplified his gaze. When he spoke, he almost seemed to dance with his whole body. It was quite amusing to watch. According to him, I was a demanding client, as I struggled to find the suit that would make me feel like an important man. Two hours later, I finally made my choice, but it would take a few days as Joseph had taken precise measurements of my body to tailor it, Silvio informed me.

DiMurano "Soul Without Target"Where stories live. Discover now