Grimoire Heart

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Just a quick author note before the chapter starts. This part and the following parts will assume you have watched the Tenrou Island Arc. I will not be going into major detail about the main plot, only the contributions that (Y/N) has, this will be valid for any arcs this book uses from the main story. I don't plan on copying the entire arc in my story, I feel like copying from the main story is very boring for the reader. As such, I will only focus on (Y/N), and then the other's thoughts about his actions. With that out of the way, please enjoy the chapter.


I returned to location where we all were supposed to meet up after the first trial with Gajeel and Levi following me. Looks like we were the last group to return.

"Wow, Levi! You made it!" Lucy congratulates her. They exchange words as Erza approaches me.

"The next trial does not require us. So we get a break," she says as I nod.

"Yes, I, unfortunately, lost the training sword you gifted me...someone ate it," I mutter as Erza turns and glares at Gajeel. Shivers run down his spine as he hides away from the redheads glare.

"No matter, you get to relax for the rest of our time here," Erza says as I shake my head

"I need to meditate. I had to use quite a bit of magic power during the battle," I tell her as we return to camp.

"When did you pick up meditating? I've heard it helps recover magical energy. But I've had no reason to use it myself," Erza asks me

"It picked it up about a year and a half ago. My magic capacity was deteriorating rapidly. I found I didn't have enough magic to man the frontlines for a whole day. I started to meditate whenever calm found its way to the battlefield. I even do it subconsciously now, it doesn't help much, but it allows me to get an extra small spell in during a battle," I explain. Erza and I arrived at the camp. Erza went straight to Mira about something while I found a quiet space to begin my meditation.

I drained all thoughts out of my mind. And focused on tunnelling the surrounding magic into my body. I find when I fully immerse myself in meditation. I lose track of time.

I was meditating when it happened.

"A red flare?" I hear Master Makarov say eerily close to me. I open my eyes to see a brilliant red light hanging in the sky.

"Master," I call out as the short man comes into my vision.

"(Y/N), I see you've been meditating. A red flare means the island is under attack," Makarov explains

"Yeah, I know that. But by who," I ask him

"I do not know, let's find higher ground and see," he says before leading me up a cliff.

"Why would they attack Tenrou island?" I ask him

"I know about as much as you do. But, this is Fairy Tails scared grounds, we will protect it," Makarov says as I feel magic power flare up from around the island.

"There are some brawls, the magic around the island is being used," I tell him as he smiles.

"Even more impressive. You can feel shifts in magic power around you. That is a skill not many possess my boy," he tells me as I shrug.

"If it makes you feel better. I feel something sinister as well. I noticed it when we arrived but I haven't acted on any course of action," I tell him.

"Oh? You do? Perhaps the attack is related then," he motions as we finish claiming the hill.

We look in all directions. Master's eyes look at a spot in the distance over the sea.

"That's a's Grimoire Heart..." Master says with a scowl.

"Is that good or bad news?" I ask him. I've been out of the loop about the guilds in Fiore for quite some time.

"Yes, they are one of the four powerful dark guilds," he tells me

"Gotcha. So what do we do?" I ask him as he smiles at me.

"You have a spell that causes mass destruction right?" He asks me as I go sheepish.

"Yes. However, the ship is too far away for it to be effective. But I can currently still use it, but it would likely use all my magical power," I tell him as he looks at the distant ship with anger.

"Blow it to hell," he orders me. I nod. I unshackle my magic power as I prepare it to be used. I focus on the ship. Due to the vast distance between myself and the ship, the explosion will be several times smaller than what would I normally do...but it will be deadly nonetheless.

I step forward in front of Makarov as I close my eyes.

"Atomic Explosion," I say as I launch my hand forward. 3 layers of magic circles appear ahead of me as my spell drains all my energy.

In the blink of an eye, the circles disappear. In the distance, the flying ship is engulfed by smoke. A second later, an earth-shattering BANG! erupts. With my magic completely drained, I promptly passed out

Makarov POV

"Blow it to hell," I tell (Y/N). He nods. Then he takes a few breaths before unleashing his magic power. It was incredibly potent. The overall amount of it wasn't very impressive, for a wizard saint like myself. But it gave off a sense of death. It made me shiver at the thought that this magic power he was showing off right now...was a mere fraction of what he could do in the past.

He stepped in front of me as time seemed to slow. The island suddenly became silent. As every last drop of magic power disappeared around me. Three magic circles appeared in front of his hands, all stacked on top of one another. And then in an instant, they disappeared.

I was looking at his hand as a thunderous sound reached the entire island. It was so loud it made my old ears ring even more. Half shocked, I watch the man as he collapses. Most of his magic power drained. He left himself just enough magical energy to not fall ill to magical deficiency.

"My have grown so much in those 4 years," I say to deaf ears. I look at the flying ship. It was all but a flying rubble field...and then it wasn' reverted to its previous looked as if nothing touched it.

It looks like Grimoire Heart will not be going down as easily as I hoped. I will need to take down the ship myself. I use my magic to grow in size. And then charge the ship

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