Getting cross faded tonight was not what I was ready for tonight
Me and fez just end up sitting down having a deep convo about absolutely everything and nothing at all
"I.I literalllyyy love you fezco"
"I love you too misses, but I think you should lay off the drinks or get something to eat"
"Mmmmmmm maybe not"
I start giggling and he just looks at me and quietly laughs

I stroll back inside and find cass
"Oh hey Ava!"
I go in for a hug but end up putting all my body weight on her
"Woah careful there honey, how much have you had"
"Ummmm, I think like a lot?"
"Right okay"
"I think you and Tyler would make a good couple. FUCK NATALIA. GO FIND HIM AND FUCK HIM, you have my permission cutie pie"
"Umm Ava.."
She whispers something in my ear
"good to know where your head is, but honey she's behind you"

Nat. Fucking Natalia was stood behind me.
I chug a full drink I picked up off the side
She storms off and I try to tail behind her but I fall over
Cassie has already walked off
I try to stand up but I fail miserably

Some guy grabs my hand and pulls me up
"Hey beautiful. What are you doing on the floor"
"Good question. I think I fell"
"Let's go upstairs and I'll give you some food or something"
I complain a little about the food and eventually say yes but he mustn't of heard me talk about the food
Food. Stranger. Handsome boy. I can sleep.

I think someone slipped something in my drink
Weed. Alcohol. Drugs. An empty stomach - not a good paring
Everything starts spinning
I flop onto the bed and start using one of my friends ecigs that ended up in my bag

He talks to me but it all faded in with the music and the pounding in my head
I think I like the sound of his voice
He lies on the bed next to me and pulls me ontop of him
I start trying to move off of him to find the vape but he kisses me
I lean into the kissing until I feel a hand running up my thigh
No. Nate. Hand rising. Pulsating. Fine.
My mind eventually clears into mush

he keeps talking to me but I can't hear him
My ears aren't working and my vision keeps fading in and out
I think he looks sympathetic and kind
His hands pause on my inner thigh, basically touching my thong

He's this lightskin, he seemed tall before. Long curly coils. Didn't really see much else
I slowly move my hips to the music and he leaves some (more) hickeys on my breasts and shoulders.
His hands also start raising my dress and he takes his shirt off
Everything keeps getting blurry but I'm liking the situation that I didn't think I was going to get into
until someone knocks on the door

I can somehow hear mumbling "Avuh?" "I don't think she's in there" "honeycomb"
I must of imagined it
he mustn't of heard it so he continues to caressing my boobs and I continue moving my hips over his pants
I move my hands around on his abs and pecks

Someone bursts into the room but I can't quite make up their face
The lightskin instantly freezes his moving hands
I recognise the voice

He grabs my wrist so tight and furiously drags me off the bed
The lightskin stands up and turns out he is tall
Nate pushes his against the wall and he punches him

As Nate beats the shit out of this guy I start to walk down the hallway fast as I can
Everything is spinning 10x worse than before
I grip onto the walls for support but it's no use
I panic and start missing steps and fall again
People crowd around me and start rushing to watch the fight

My dress
Nate rushes after me with blood on his knuckles
No one dares to follow him. I think
He pulls me up and pushes me against the wall
he looks fucking furious
He pulls down my dress in one movement and tightens his hands around my neck
"what the actual fuck is wrong with you"
"You fucking slut"
"Pathetic whore"

"Nate. Get-"
My words struggle and the lack of air flowing doesn't help
I just give up
Pain surrounds my whole body and I can feel my legs wriggling and struggling
He look the tiniest bit guilty for a slight second and lets go
My lungs feel full again as I fall on the floor

He continues to grip my wrist and essentially pull me down the stairs
When I think we see Tyler because I hear his voice
My fucking vision. I fade in and out of consciousness when the drug that was slipped in my drink really comes into full effect

Yelling. Lots of it

I hear someone get punched

I scream

Everything goes black and my legs give way

I wake up in the backseat of someone's car

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 27 ⏰

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