Her memory. The doctors said they had only asked about what had happened to the car and she couldn't recall it. They hadn't asked her anything thing else yet.

Maybe there was hope Aurora thought. Walking over to the circle of doctors, Aurora pushed her way through to the front. Staring directly at her mom there was something that flashed in her eye, a look of recognition.

She drowned out the words from the doctors around her, only zoning back in when she heard her mom say. "Yeah and I have a daughter named Aurora, that's her right next to you.

Oh thank God. Aurora let a sigh of relief as she heard those words. She didn't think she was more relieved ever in her life just simply hearing words.

The door opened and out came someone who Aurora was not pleased to see. "Oh Eden I'm so sorry they didn't call until this morning I came as soon as I could". Her aunt said.

"Oh yes and there is my sister Sadie" Her mother said to the doctors. Turning back to her sister she responded " Don't worry I'm glad you came when you did, so you wouldn't have to see me in bad condition"

Her aunt turned to the doctors and asked when she could leave. Aurora picked up on how she said she and not we. Her aunt hadn't even turned to look at her yet, ignoring her existence entirely.

"They can be dispatched very soon, we just have to make sure everything is all good with their stitches" A doctor replied. Aurora could easily read the name tags and find out their names, but she didn't feel like it. It's not like she would be here for all that longer.

And she wasn't in about an hour her, her mom, and her aunt were on the road over to her aunts house.

Aurora phone had broken during the crash so she would have to find something else to do. There wasn't a lot of options as her mother and aunt didn't want her in their conversation. They never did, whenever she talked they would just pretend they didn't hear her and keep talking.

Even when she would point it out and say "Damn ignoring me now". They would continue on like she didn't exist.

The drive was excruciatingly long, as Aurora did nothing but stare out the window for all of it. She almost fell asleep, but as soon as she started to drift off the car stopped. "Ok so I know this isn't how we planned to get here, but now that you guys we can do everything as normal". Her aunt spoke

Her mother just smiled and said "I'm glad we could still get here, even if it was under unseen circumstances"

"The police dropped off the stuff that stayed in tact during the crash, sorry there wasn't all too much." Her aunt stated

The conversation just kept going between the two of them, Aurora just walked behind them silently

Going into the house Aurora walked down the to basement where her room was, or at least one of the guest rooms. There was a second one upstairs, but that was where her mother would stay.

Aurora hated the basement here, it was cold, dark, scary, and had spiders and bugs all over it. One time she found like a million baby spiders crawling all around the bathroom down here. It was so bad she couldn't even fall back asleep without thinking that they were on her.

Another thing Aurora hated was not getting enough sleep. Sadly it happened all the time. To her constant overthinking and her nightmares, it was like sleep was her enemy that she would fight a battle with every night. Normally losing, and that was very evident with the major eye bags she had.

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