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While Aurora was walking back to her hospital room, she couldn't stop looking at the card Alex gave her. Her mind chanting the word half-blood over and over.

What was a half-blood, and why was she one? She knew her mother said something about being half god. She was sure that it wasn't true. Aurora had always been weird, she knows that. But in no way could she be half god.

It simply was just not a possibility. However there was a small part of her that wished it to be true. So, that she could have an explanation for the attack, for what she saw, and the constant feeling of that she didn't belong. Maybe find a place where she could be seen as normal. Have friends, a life.

Part of her was afraid that she wouldn't fit in there too. That all she could ever be was someone on the sidelines.

Deep in her heart she knew that it wasn't true, so pushing away that sliver of hope. She continued walking.

It still all felt like a dream. That Aurora would wake up and she would be back in her bed. Back to her boring old life where she was in the background. Nothing ever happening to her.

She remembered wishing that one day her life would change. Maybe she should have specified what change she wanted. Because as soon as she got back to her room there was the painful reminder that this was real.

Her mother. Just lying there unconscious. The only sounds that filled the room were Auroras breathing and the reoccurring beat on the monitor.

Getting into her bed Aurora knew it would be helpless to try and get sleep. So, she just lied there. Staring at her mother and the way her chest moved up and down. Focusing on all the little details of the little room.

The crack in the paint on the wall, the small stain on the floor, and the small stream of light coming through the door.

Hours and hours passed yet Aurora had still not fallen asleep. It was only around 4 am came around when the exhaustion started to wear her down.

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Waking up she heard the sound of doctors rushing around the room.

"Her vitals are all good right?" She heard a doctor ask

"Yeah, and she's up, but there's one problem...she seems to not remember certain things." Another doctor said.

Aurora felt her heart drop for what was probably the twentieth time in the last 48 hours. Fear coursed her veins. Her mother not remembering what happened. The only other person who could understand what happened. Who would not call her crazy, because she went through it too.

And what was not even the worst bit. What if Aurora's mom didn't remember her. She would feel that way at certain times. The times where her mom would ignore her existence anytime she was around someone else. She would always remember her though. Even if it was just for a short while. At least she still did. Now, she wasn't even sure.

Opening her eyes, she immediately regretted it. She forgot how bright hospital lights were. The fluorescents being almost too bright for her.

Slowly sitting up on the bed she looked over to the doctors surrounding her mom. One of them turned to her and gave her a rundown of what had happened. That her mother woke up, she was ok, but that one little problem...

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