Topazs Hatching-day

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The day after the Sky Kingdom festival, Dragonfly found himself flying through the warm desert air with Fennec, the SandWing he'd met earlier. The sand stretched out in all directions, dotted with cacti and the occasional rock formation. The heat was intense, but Fennec seemed unfazed as she led the way to the Sand Kingdom.

As they flew, Fennec chatted amiably, pointing out various landmarks and explaining the SandWing culture. "That oasis down there is the largest in the kingdom," she said, gesturing with her tail. "It's where many of the tribes gather during the hot seasons to trade and socialize. We SandWings are desert dragons, but even we need a break from the heat now and then."

Dragonfly nodded, enjoying the scenery and Fennec's company. She had a relaxed and friendly demeanor, in contrast to Falcon's brusque attitude. It made the journey to the Sand Kingdom feel less daunting.

"So, what's happening today?" Dragonfly asked, noticing the increased activity as they neared the heart of the Sand Kingdom. He could see dragons bustling about, carrying supplies, decorating the streets, and gathering in large groups.

Fennec's eyes lit up with excitement. "Today's a special day. It's Queen Topaz's hatching-day! Every year, the entire Sand Kingdom comes together to celebrate the queen's birth. There are feasts, games, and all sorts of festivities. It's one of the biggest events in the kingdom."

Dragonfly was intrigued. "That sounds amazing! What do SandWings do for the hatching-day celebration?"

"Well," Fennec began, counting on her talons, "there's a huge feast with all sorts of desert delicacies—roasted scorpions, honeyed locusts, and cactus fruit. Then we have races across the dunes, competitions for the best sand sculptures, and storytelling around the bonfires at night. It's a time for everyone to come together and have fun."

Dragonfly's excitement grew with every word. He had never experienced a festival of this scale, and the idea of joining in the celebrations was thrilling. "I can't wait to see it all," he said with enthusiasm.

Fennec smiled, her barb-tipped tail flicking playfully. "You'll love it. Just remember, Queen Topaz is the most important dragon here. Show her respect, and you'll be fine. And stick close to me—some of the SandWings can be a bit rough around the edges."

Dragonfly nodded, grateful for the advice. As they approached the Sand Kingdom's central plaza, the activity intensified. Dragons were setting up stalls, hanging decorations, and preparing for the grand feast. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, and Dragonfly couldn't wait to dive into the festivities.

With Fennec as his guide, Dragonfly knew he was in for an unforgettable day in the Sand Kingdom, celebrating Queen Topaz's hatching-day. It was another step in his journey through Pyrrhia, and he was ready to embrace the adventure.

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