Pyrrhia? What's That?

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Dreamcatcher motioned for Dragonfly to sit by the glowing pool, her violet eyes watching him intently. Pineapple settled beside him, his scales still changing color with excitement. Dragonfly felt a surge of curiosity, but he knew to tread carefully; Dreamcatcher had the air of someone with secrets.

"You said you're from Pantala," Dreamcatcher began, her voice smooth and calm. "That's quite a journey. What brings you so far from home?"

"I'm on a mission to find out if there are other dragons," Dragonfly replied, trying to keep his nerves in check. "I heard there might be, so I came to see if it was true."

Dreamcatcher nodded thoughtfully. "Well, you've certainly found other dragons. But you're in Pyrrhia now, not Pantala. I suppose you knew that already?"

Dragonfly's eyes widened. "Pyrrhia?" He had heard rumors of distant lands, but he hadn't known their names. "No, I didn't know where I was. I just followed the river and kept going."

Dreamcatcher raised an eyebrow. "That's a long way to travel without knowing where you're going. You must be very brave—or very curious."

"Both, I guess," Dragonfly said, shrugging. "I didn't really know what to expect. I just wanted to see if there were other dragons and...well, I found you."

Dreamcatcher chuckled softly. "Indeed, you did. But you should know that Pyrrhia isn't exactly a safe place for outsiders. Many dragons here are wary of strangers, and some can be quite hostile." She glanced at Pineapple, who nodded in agreement, his scales darkening slightly.

"Yeah, not everyone is as friendly as me," Pineapple added with a grin. "But don't worry, Dreamcatcher and I will make sure you're safe while you're here."

Dragonfly felt a bit more at ease. Despite Dreamcatcher's warnings, her demeanor suggested she wasn't immediately hostile. He took a deep breath and asked the question that had been on his mind since he saw the campfire. "I saw some other dragons on my way here. They didn't seem very friendly. Are they from Pyrrhia too?"

Dreamcatcher frowned. "Yes, they are. We have many tribes here, each with its own customs and traditions. Not all of them are welcoming to strangers, especially those from other continents." She paused, then leaned in closer. "You should be careful, Dragonfly. There are dragons who might see you as a threat simply because you're not from Pyrrhia."

Dragonfly nodded, absorbing her words. He knew his journey would be dangerous, but hearing it from someone who lived in this land made it feel more real. "I'll be careful. Thank you for the warning."

Dreamcatcher gave him a small smile. "Good. Now, let's talk about your journey and what you're hoping to find. There may be more to your mission than you realize."

As they spoke, Dragonfly felt a sense of camaraderie with Dreamcatcher and Pineapple. Despite being in unfamiliar territory, he knew he had found allies who could guide him through the challenges that lay ahead. His journey was just beginning, and he was eager to discover what Pyrrhia had in store for him.

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