Chapter 3

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His deep blue eyes meets the sky, the sun making it's run behind the mountain in a while. The buzz of the forest and the animals has arrived. The duck family quacking delightfully as they go for a swim. He wakes up, sits, and looks for Eugene and Ezra, Eugene flies by to Nor, chirping ever so beautifully. He pats him.

"Have some news for me gene?"

The swift twists and twirls in response, bobbing its head, it looks over towards to the wooden table. Nor follows, there were the usual bags and baskets, now with paint colours and a paper spread across, brushes smeared with yellow, white and colours either stick out of the containers or lay tired in a piece of cloth. Everything seems to be alright, there was a bottle of Water next to the seat, and it looked as if someone had eaten a chocolate. 

"Where's Ezra?" Nor asked the bird.

Eugene didn't respond. it was instead looking at the rabbit hole, where cute little bunnies were hoping out. Nor bent down to pet them, he then took one of them to his hands. He loved the company of the animals around, but couldn't seem to know where Ezra was. He looked around hoping to see him maybe within eye shot. He couldn't find him. He then walked over to the lake, hoping he would be around there playing with the ducklings, he wasn't there.

"Where could you ever be?" 

Nor then walked towards the table. He then saw what had Ezra been doing, painting. But the paper was turned over. Nor curious spread out his hand to turn the thing and see what had he painted, when.


"OH LORD JESUS CHRIST!" Nor whipped around quickly, almost losing balance and falling to the ground. 

Ezra just laughed at the sight of Nor being this scared. And fell on the ground. 


"You should've seen your face, it was so bahahaha"

"Oh so you think it's funny to just appear out of nowhere almost giving me a heart attack huh?"

"Well, it  was worth it though."

"Oh! pleeease Ezra."

"Alright, Alright, I'm sorry."

"Where were you even hiding?"

"Top of the tree, you never heard me jumping down."

"Oh aha ha ha, very funny."

Ezra then walked over to the table sat down to close his painting session, closing the containers, packing pens, pencils, paper, and taking the brushes and the cloth to the lake to finish of with the paint, while all the time listening to Nor yapping about how careless he was and how he almost killed him. Ezra then came back, packing the last of the stuff. Crossing his hands and giving a face of annoyment, he asked.

"Are you done?"

"Oh clearly!"

"Great then, how about some evening tea?"

Nor begrudgingly, went on to make them evening tea, clearly defeated. Never has Nor ever won an argument with Ezra. 

"Set the table with the biscuits and candy, I'll set get the tea done."

They then sat down to pour themselves tea and a small snack before the journey back home. 

"So how's the tea?"

"It's like tea"

"Is it good?"

"Of course! it's tea."

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