Chapter 5

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It was one of those mornings. Usually, Eda didn't wake up until Ellie assumed her with a spoon, but today she couldn't sleep. She doesn't know why, but this happens every once in a while. She was sitting on her roof because there was a step ladder on the side of the house. She was watching the sun rise over the horizon, thinking about any and everything. The breeze was getting cooler so she'd have to dress Ellie appropriately and get ready for her to go to daycare.

She was originally gonna just wait for Ellie to be old enough for kindergarten, but Lilith told her that Ellie needed to learn to socialize with children her age, and enrolled Ellie in daycare anyway. Perhaps that's why she couldn't sleep. Her daughter would be away from her all day. She's never been away from Ellie during the day, and worried about how she would react.

The sun finally got to its place at the top of the sky. She sighed and decided to go back inside. She walked into Ellie's room to find her already awake, and her body deep in her clothes. Eda chuckled, leaning on the door frame. "Baby? What are you doing?" Ellie looked back and waved innocently. "Y-you said I get to go to play today!" Ellie beamed and continued to throw her clothes around. Eda shook her head, amused by Ellie's behavior. "Well you're going to daycare, but yes, do you want me to help you?" Eda asked.

Ellie shook her head, then pulled out a purple bunny costume. "Mama, can I wear this?" Ellie asked excitedly. "Sweetie.. That's a costume" Eda said, knowing it wouldn't change her mind. "Please?" Ellie pleaded, looking up at Eda with hopeful eyes. Eda sighed and nodded slowly. Ellie screamed with joy, so Eda left her to get dressed, while she made Ellie some cereal.

Did Eda really let Ellie go to daycare in a bunny costume? Well yes. Ellie was the core of that special soft spot in as heartland unless it was completely unreasonable or ridiculous, she pretty much said yes to anything Ellie asked.

And while in the car, with Lilith, because she insisted on driving, Eda got a few strange looks from her older sister which she did her best to ignore. Ellie However was happy as could be. Lilith sighed knowing Eda was a little too soft with Ellie sometimes, however, she doesn't have any children, so she chose to keep her opinion to herself.

They got to the daycare, and Eda walked Ellie to her classroom. "Okay, il see you, at 3." Eda sighed, stroking Ellie's hair. "Bye Mommy!" Ellie beamed and left. Eda sighed, as she stood up, and walked back to Lilith's car. She got in and sighed. "Are you okay?" Lilith asked, very impressed Eda was taking this well. "Yep.. I'm ready to let go" Eda replied.

It was time, Ellie was 3 now, so Eda should let her explore a little..


Eda looked back at the building and immediately regretted leaving Ellie there. "No! Not ready!" Eda panicked and tried to open the door, however, her sister locked it. Lilith sighed. "I was really hoping you'd do better than this.. And now I owe Darius 20 dollars"

Lilith drove away, while Eda pouted the whole way. After a few minutes, Lilith looked over at her younger sister and saw she was still pouting, and close to tears. "Edalyn, I'm sure she'll be fine" Lilith assured her. "Shut up.. " Eda muttered back.

When Lilith got home, she left after offering to stay with her if she wanted. Which eda declined, because, to her, it was Lilith's fault Ellie was gone now.

As she lay in Eda, she could only think about how Ellie could be doing. Maybe she was coloring or something. Possibly making friends, or talking her teacher's ear off. Maybe the other kids were being mean to her, what if she was crying, begging to come home, believing her own mother abandoned her? What if she ran away, and lived with the circus?

Her spiraling got worse and worse, as time went on, until her phone was going off. Eda looked to see Raine calling her. She shot up and immediately answered her phone.

"H-hey! Raine.. Uh.. What's up?"

"Hey, nothing much just wanted to check on you is all"

"Oh! Well.. I'm doing okay, I just dropped Ellie off at daycare"

"Oh yeah? Was she excited?"

"Mhm.. "

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah! Of course..she was.. Very happy to leave.. "

"Darling, do you want me to keep you company?"

".. Yes please.. "

"Hah.. Alright, il be over in 10 minutes"

"Thanks.. You're the best"

Eda hung up and sighed, crawling out of bed, and Into the living room. Was this too far? Was she getting too close to them? She won't deny it.. She's dated them in a heartbeat. The care and compassion they always showed her made her heart flutter, and believed she could possibly have a chance. But the dark place in her heart always prevented her peace.   Who in their right mind would date a hooker?  

Eda sighed, covering her face with her hand. She hated getting her hopes up, it always led to some type of disappointment. 

Soon there was a knocking on her door, and she smiled slightly, seeing Raine at her door, offering her a single rose.   She started blushing and accepted.   "Thank you, Raine.. You are just so sweet" she gushed, and let them in. "You welcome, I saw it and thought you'd like it"  Raine replied, and the two adults sat down on her couch together. Very closely

She didn't really want anything, their presence was enough.  After about 10 minutes they both relaxed enough to actually get comfortable. Eda did have to take the initiative and lean on them for a bit before they opened their arms to her.  They thought they'd be ready for this... 

Their arm was placed around her body, wrapping around her back to her stomach. They wanted to be careful as to not touch her in a place that would make her uncomfortable.  Their gaze glued everywhere but the ginger-haired woman lying on their chest. Was this too fast? They haven't even dared to ask her out on a date yet, would she even accept?

The longer they were together free more open her body language got.  By now she was fully snuggled up to them, while they kissed her head occasionally because she'd fallen asleep a few minutes ago. She looked peaceful and utterly gorgeous. This was a huge win. 

An hour passed by, and Raine was still wide awake, scrolling on social media, their personal Aphrodite still snuggled up to them.  She started moving a little, grabbing Raine's attention Immediately.  "Hey there, feeling better?" They asked, with a kind smile on their face. She didn't look at them, but she nodded.  It only took a few seconds for their words to come back to her.
I have been for 3 years now.. But thanks for noticing.

She looked up at them, her golden eyes burning into their memory. "Raine.. Did you mean what you said the other night?"  She asked.  Raine looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. "Hm? What night?"   Eda blushed hard, her cheeks turning fully red. "Don't play dumb! You know what I mean"   she insisted. As she sat up. They chuckled. "Yeah.. Sorry," they muttered. "I did mean it though, I thought I was being pretty clear.. " they admitted.  She started to feel guilty for not realizing earlier, although she was never in the best state of mind when she got to talk to them. 

"I'm sorry.. I-i didn't even realize" Eda replied, looking down at her lap.  "Hey, it's alright" Raine assured her, as they slowly took her hand. "So.. Would.. You want to go out with me sometime?" Raine asked nervously.  Her heart started to skip a beat before so much guilt took over. "Raine.. I-i can't, you know what I do every night.. " she replied. "It.. Wouldn't be fair to you if I were to go out with you while.. You know" she emphasized.  She couldn't look at them like this, sensing their disappointment.

"So.. That's a no?" They asked softly. She looked up at them, intertwining her fingers with theirs, a small smile appearing. "It's a not now.."

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