Chapter 9

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Elara startles awake as Aric gently rouses her from her slumber. "It's nearly time to go," he murmurs, his voice a soft reassurance in the predawn stillness. Elara follows Aric outside where they are once again escorted to the waiting carriages.

With Tyra lifted into the carriage ahead, Elara and Fabien climb into their designated space. Elara anticipates her father's presence but is surprised when Rin joins them instead. "Where's Father?" she inquires, confusion knitting her brow.

"In the other carriage, speaking with the head Kingsman," Rin responds calmly, settling herself into a seat opposite Elara. Elara nods in understanding, though a flicker of unease dances in her chest.

As the carriage sets off, Elara steals a glance at Fabien, who sits beside her with his gaze fixed on the passing scenery. His brooding demeanour is a familiar sight. 

Feeling the weariness of the journey weigh heavily upon her, Elara leans back in her seat, the rhythmic bumping of the carriage lulling her back into a restless sleep.

Elara is jolted awake as the carriage lurches violently over a large pothole, threatening to send her tumbling from her seat. Instinctively, she grabs hold of the side, her heart pounding in her chest. Beside her, Fabien startles awake, his eyes wide with surprise at the sudden jolt.

Rin reacts swiftly, reaching out to steady Tyra as the carriage rights itself, her grip firm and unwavering despite the unexpected disturbance.

As the journey progresses, the towering silhouette of the palace gradually comes into view on the horizon, its majestic spires reaching towards the sky. Elara can't help but be awestruck by the grandeur of the structure. 

However, amidst her awe, a pang of sadness tugs at Elara's heart as she thinks of Tyra. She can almost hear Tyras sarcastic remark about Elara being a princess, a comment that would annoy her. But now, with Tyra's condition weighing heavily on her mind, Elara's excitement is tinged with guilt.

As they draw nearer to the castle, the road becomes increasingly bustling with activity. Villages pass by in a blur, each one offering a glimpse into the lives of its inhabitants. Elara's curiosity is piqued, and she strains to catch every detail as they speed past.

She longs to join in the hustle and bustle, to experience the sights and sounds of the villages firsthand. Never before has she witnessed such liveliness, and the desire to immerse herself in the vibrant atmosphere grows stronger with each passing moment.

The towns surrounding the castle are larger and more bustling than any she's ever seen before, and she can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the bustling activity all around her.

As the carriages approach the imposing gates of the castle, the guards signal for them to stop. Aric and several other clan members step out of the carriage, joining the lead Kingsman to speak with the gate guard. Rin rises to exit the carriage, but her attempt is abruptly halted by another Kingsman, who gestures for her to remain seated. With a glare, Rin complies, settling back into her seat with a frustrated huff.

Elara and the rest of the passengers watch intently as Aric and the lead Kingsman engage in conversation with the gate guard. There's a sense of tension in the air as the gate guards begin to scurry around, gathering the attention of more guards. Their flustered movements are peculiar, and Elara can't shake the feeling that something is amiss.

As the imposing gates creak open slightly, a figure emerges, clad in a noticeably finer uniform than the other guards—a telltale sign of his higher rank, likely a knight. The tension among the guards and Kingsmen is palpable as they straighten up at his approach. Elara catches a glimpse of his steely gaze as he strides forward, his demeanour stern and authoritative.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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