Chapter 6

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As they near the distant river house, Elara notices the serene quiet, realising that the once-muted hum of the trees she had learnt to block out has vanished entirely. A grand Victorian-style mansion emerges, its facade adorned with trailing moss, a testament to the passage of time. Elara feels a surge of anticipation and taps into her power, sensing the presence of those within.

Cautiously, they approach the aged structure, each step echoing the quiet excitement mingled with apprehension. The door creaks open, revealing the dimly lit interior of the worn but charming house.

A familiar face appears on the threshold—Aric, looking both relieved and concerned. Elara's heart leaps as she runs into her father's arms, a flood of repressed emotions escaping in tears. She had questioned the silence that surrounded Aric's whereabouts, fearing the worst.

Aric, wiping away her tears with a gentle hand, offers reassurance. "I'll tell you everything, dear. Come inside first. The others have been eager for your return." Aric's eyes meet Fabien's, a silent acknowledgment of gratitude for ensuring his daughter's safe arrival.

Inside the river house, the air is infused with the scent of history, the worn yet welcoming interior echoing the tales of countless moments lived within its walls.

In the warm embrace of the hallway, a line of Aric's men await Elara's arrival. With smiles of pride, they greet her, patting her shoulders in acknowledgment of her triumph over the Lupu. Elara can't help but feel a mix of joy and embarrassment at the attention, her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue.

Turning around, she sees Fabien experiencing a similar welcome from Aric's men. The camaraderie among the soldiers is evident, a shared sense of victory and relief palpable in the air. Fabien too receives pats on the back and words of commendation.

As the hallway buzzes with congratulatory exchanges, a figure approaches Fabien. The combat instructor, Karek, a seasoned mentor, draws near. Without a word, he envelops Fabien in a hug. In response, Fabien embraces Karek back tightly.

At the end of the line, amidst the hearty greetings, Elara spots Moss and Blyth. With unbridled excitement, she jumps forward and embraces them both, a cascade of joy evident on her face. "She'll squeeze us to death, watch the shoulder," Moss jokes with a grin.

Elara, suddenly concerned, loosens her hold. "I'm sorry, how is it?" Moss playfully replies, "I'll survive; it's a bit sore. You should see the thing that did it to me." Blyth rolls his eyes at Moss's nonchalant response and they all share a laugh.

Amidst the laughter, Elara scans the crowd for Tyra, who soon emerges with her arms crossed. "Looking for me? You sure do know how to make people worry," Tyra remarks, her tone a mix of teasing and mild reproach. Elara, taken aback, responds, "Yeah, I'm sorry." Tyra interrupts, "I didn't say I was one of them," and walks away, leaving Elara momentarily flustered.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Elara calls after her, trying to mend the moment. Tyra glances over her shoulder, a faint smirk playing on her lips. "Feeling better is relative. I've had worse," she replies cryptically, her gaze holding a hint of mystery. With that, Tyra disappears into the lively atmosphere of the river house.

It takes a few moments for the house to quiet down, the Enyan clan members finding their seats in the spacious living room. The room is designed more as a meeting space, with numerous chairs arranged facing a large fireplace that dominates the centre of one wall. The atmosphere becomes filled with the presence of everyone.

Elara finds herself seated on the couch directly opposite the fireplace, with a substantial gap between her and the hearth, resembling a stage. Her father, Aric, stands in this open space, commanding attention. As the room settles, Elara observes Fabien and Tyra entering together, engaged in conversation, their arms linked. Tyra notices Elara watching and smirks.

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