Chapter 10: Not a date

Start from the beginning

"Are you dumb?" Joshua says after a few seconds, squinting at Jeonghan, who glares at him.

"What?" He sneers at Joshua, who rolls his eyes.

"You can't see how much that math freak is trying to take you out on a date, ask for your hand in marriage, adopt babies with you, and go on a honeymoon in Jeju--"

"Hold on! You're going too far," Jeonghan says, throwing a soft plushie at Joshua. "It's nothing like that."

"Seriously? I thought Joshua was the dumb one in our trio, but you're proving me wrong, Jeonghan," Seokmin says with an amused voice, causing Joshua to throw the same plushie at him.

"Hey, I'm not dumb!" Joshua says, huffing at his boyfriend, who winks at him, mouthing a 'just kidding, babe.'

"Why do y'all think he's trying to ask me out? I'm probably not even his type," Jeonghan says with a whine, burying his face into his pillow. A date with Seungcheol is something Jeonghan had always dreamed about, blushing furiously at the thought.

"This is probably just a friendly gesture from Seungcheol. Don't misunderstand it," he tells himself before totally dismissing the idea of Seungcheol asking him out on a date. "I'm probably not even his type," he thinks before lifting his head to see Seokmin and Joshua standing at the door, looking like they're leaving.

"Bye, Hannie!" Seokmin calls out before walking away, and Jeonghan waves back from the bed itself. Joshua closes the door before walking back to sit at the edge of the bed, staring at Jeonghan.

"What?" Jeonghan says, raising his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"You're going out on a date with your crush," Joshua says with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

"It's not a date, Shua," Jeonghan groans, sliding onto the bed to lay like a starfish.

"Whatever, but remember, when you're married and have babies, name them after me," Joshua says before walking back to his bed and sliding in to sleep. Jeonghan rolls his eyes at Joshua. Isn't one Joshua enough to make his life miserable?

A date? Jeonghan feels his ears burning at the thought. A date with Seungcheol would be nice.

"I hope I don't mess up tomorrow," he mumbles to himself before slipping under the duvet.

"I should set an alarm for tomorrow so that I won't oversleep," Jeonghan suddenly remembers. There's no way he's going to show up late for the movie with Seungcheol.

"My phone?" Jeonghan mumbles when he doesn't find the electronic device anywhere. "Ah, it must be in my bag," Jeonghan whispers to himself as he squats to grab it from his table shelf.

Jeonghan digs inside his bag and finds his phone. Tugging it out, he's about to push his bag back into its place when he notices a pink note stuffed into the small keychain pocket.

"Oh right! The mysterious note," Jeonghan thinks, feeling a sense of relief as he finds it. He hurriedly pulls it out, biting his lip in anticipation.

"Your voice is one of the sweetest melodies I've heard in my whole life. You looked so cute at the concert today -CS."

Right, this might have happened when he was at the concert with Seungcheol. Did Seungcheol see who it was? Or did this person slip the note in while Jeonghan wasn't paying attention?

Jeonghan clicks his tongue as he tosses the note into his drawer. When he sees something written on the other side, he reaches out and straightens it to read.

"I'm shy to tell you who I am, please find me on your way. (Joshua is a great help) -CS."

"I will find you," Jeonghan mumbles to himself before tossing the note into his drawer and turning off the lamp.

"Why am I suddenly feeling so happy?"





I think Jeonghan's favourite song is dumb dumb by somi, what is your all time favourite song? 🤔

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