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Miyuki stopped shaking and peeked out from under her arms, revealing the blood in her hair and running down into her eyes. Her cries got louder.

"Nii-Chan..." came her hoarse voice. Akihiko felt his heart clench as he helped her out. He hugged her fiercely, not minding the little pricking sensations shooting through his arms. He was too glad. He just wanted to hold her, feel that she was actually alive.

There was no recollection in his mind just yet of what had happened to their home and family. Or maybe he wasn't yet ready to remember any of it.

For when he did, and everything changed drastically, there would be no going back.

"Nii-Chan..." she sniffled, burying her face in his chest. "It hurts... my hands...!"

He looked down and his eyes widened when he saw silver cracks and black tattooes across her skin, fresh blood oozing from them.

He held her closer, remembering his mother's words to him from last night. "It'll be OK. Your Nii-Chan will take care of it. It's not gonna hurt anymore." he stood up and started walking with his sister in his arms. Thankfully, she was still small so he carried her without issue. "I'll take care of it."

As he left, he kept an eye out got his father amongst the debris. There was no sign of him anywhere and before long, checking one last time over his shoulder, Akihiko walked away from his home and wandered into the city streets. It was drawing close to night time and he didn't know where he was going. People looked at him and his sister strangely when they passed, some worriedly staring after them – all without saying a word or doing anything. He didn't mind their linginering gazes, though. He needed to find a safe place, preferably a hospital or a clinic of some kind. His mother always went down this way whenever she drove to the pharmacy, right? So a hospital wasn't gonna be far from them? He hoped so. Miyuki had quietened since he started walking but he could still feel her shaking uncontrollably.

Soon, he couldn't even stand anymore and collapsed in an alleyway behind a hotel, making sure to land on his back so he didn't make Miyuki's injuries even worse. However, he shot right up when something damp touched him through the fabric of his shirt and looking down, his breathing grew heavy when he saw beads of sweat dotting her face.

"Miyu-Chan." He shook her gently. Nothing. Her breathing was hard and her cheeks were flushed a deep red. "Miyu-Chan... Miyu-Chan! Hey, Miyu-Chan...!" His eyes stung and tears collected in the corners of his eyes.

She wasn't waking up. Why wasn't she waking up? How was he only just noticing this? Her voice had gotten quieter and quieter as he walked, but...

Standing on shaky feet, he ran towards a hospital. He activated some of his Quirk to keep them both warm from the oncoming harsh winter breeze, hoping it would suffice until he got her the help she needed.

"It... hurts..." she murmured, clutching his singed shirt.

Hang in there. Hang in there, Imouto-chan!

He clenched his teeth. Warm tears spilled down his face.

Stay strong for a little while longer... please...!

Please don't leave me, too!

When he burst into the nearest hospital, Akihiko's legs gave out from under him. He vowed not to fall this time, though, and remained on one knee as he held onto Miyuki tightly, knuckles as stark a white as his hair.

Taking in a deep breath, he shouted for help. Doctors and nurses swarmed them, asking him all sorts of questions he didn't have the strength to answer since he continued keeping Miyuki warm with his Quirk. One of them pried her from him eventually and placed her on a gurney just as they did the same for him. His eyelids felt heavy all of a sudden and, fluttering shut, the last thing he saw was her black and white head being whisked into a different room from his, her small hand hanging limply over the side.

Hikari: 『Volume 2 - Omakes』Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin