Chapter 13 - Sweet Dreams? (Spicy ;) 18+)

Start from the beginning

This also applies to the potency of the deal. Large exchange means increased abilities by a great amount, and vice versa. 

A good example would be the two deals we have made so far. Since you activated the bloodline curse, you received 1%, which is a great amount of exchange for someone new to the curse. It covered the blood loss, physical damage to your body, and Mana that you spent for the first deal. Compared to the most recent, all it covered was physical damage and blood loss. 

Overall you are currently at 1.5% of the exchanged curse. While it may seem more than the percentage of body mass that is being affected, 1% will remain inside of your soul and the rest will cover your body as it progresses. To put it simply, the body mass of your hand is around 0.5% which correlates to the remaining 0.5% net worth of the 1.5% you have in total. 

An example would be if you had over 60% of the exchanged curse, then 1% would remain in your soul from the first deal, and the 59% would be occurring on your body physiologically.

Adding on, were the deal to end, you still have the permanent exchange physically, but your abilities would shift back to normal. This would explain the increased durability of your right hand, considering it is thick and strong enough to withstand a sharp blade. You also receive increased grip strength because of that permanent physical change.

Now stay with me. As much as that may sound intriguing, the maximum amount of soul exchange I can give you per deal is 0.5%, considering how new you are to this curse. The more deals you make, of course, the higher we can give each other for each deal. Giving too much during the deal can cause demonic psychosis.

This can be deadly for the user since it causes a drastic change to your body. This can also shock the different organs that you house since a good chunk of your body mass has changed towards the Akuma bloodline. Not only can it be deadly, but it can send you into a fit of rage since your emotions will be heightened. 

Another good example would be if you were used to receiving small amounts of poison being injected into your body, of course, you would be able to adapt to it. Receiving a sudden increase of poison out of nowhere will drown your immune system which can cause you to go into shock and may or may not kill you given how your body can fight it off."

Y/N: "This seems like a lot of information to digest."

Curse: "Better to know it than to die being an idiot"

I think to myself trying to come up with a question that I might have.

Y/N: "Why are you telling me this, I thought you would've wanted me to make random deals for your benefit."

Curse: "For once you are right about that, but for me to get what I want, I need to take my time."

Y/N: "Well I guess you'll be waiting for nothing, because that deal, was my last one."

Curse: "..."

He doesn't say anything until I hear maniacal laughter coming from everywhere. The room pulses (F/C) as each chuckle is heard.

Curse: "I'll leave you to your delusions, it's not like I haven't heard that thousands of times. You're not special Y/N. The sooner you give into your fate, the better" 

Y/N: "What makes you think I will" I talk back to him.

I hear nothing in return.

Y/N: "Hey! I'm not done with you!" I stand on the soft pillow looking around in the endless void. But nothing happens. He must have somewhere.

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